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level: Extra Words (hu-he-ho)

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level questions: Extra Words (hu-he-ho)

風力発電 (fuuryokuhatsuden)wind energy (generation)
兵隊 heitaisoldiers
ポトン ・ ぽとん (poton)plunk, plonk, plop (sound)
ポチャン ・ ぽちゃん (pochan)splash; plop (sound)
ぺろぺろ (peropero)licking; lapping up / (eating up) quickly (sound)
ペタペタ ・ ぺたぺた (petapeta)pitpat, sound of a flat surface repeatedly making contact with something / (sound) applying stamp again and again / (sound) daubing on
ホッチキス hocchikisustapler
不安 fuan /-na/uneasy, anxious, worry, insecurity (na-noun)
風船 fuusenballoon
夫婦 fuufuhusband and wife. couple
笛 fueflute, pipe, recorder, whistle
増やす fuyâsu /-u; fuyashita/to increase, add to (vt)
増える fueru /-ru; fueta/(sth) increases (vi) (population) growth
深い fukai /-katta/deep (adj) profound dense
吹き上げる fukiageru /-ru; fukiageta/blow up(wards) (i.e. wind), spout into the air (vt)
吹き荒れる fukiareru /-ru; fukiareta/to blow violently; to sweep over; to devastate (vi)
不機嫌 fukîgen /na/pouting, ill humor, sullenness (na-noun)
吹き出す fukidasu /-u; fukidashita/spout out, spurt out, gush out (vt) burst into laughter, blow (smoke)
吹き付ける fukitsukeru /-ru; fukitsuketa/spray on (paint, etc. onto surface), blow against (vt)
吹き飛ばす 吹き飛ぶ fukitobasu /-u; fukitobashita/ fukitobu /-u; fukitonda/blow away, blow off / dispel, drive away (vt) (exp) talk big, brag to be blown off; to blow off; to blow away (vi)
不気味 bukimi /na/spooky, weird, eerie, uncanny (na-noun)
布巾 fûkindishcloth, tea-towel
噴く fuku /-u; fuita/ (鍋が噴いているから、火を止めてくれ) (くじらが潮を噴くのはなぜですか)emit; spout; spurt; boil over (vt/vi) ditrans.
福引 fukubikilucky draws, lottery
覆面 fukumenmask, disguise unmarked (patrol car), incognito
膨らます - 膨らむ fukuramasu /-u; fukuramashita/ fukuramu /-u; fukuranda/to expand (sth) , inflate (sth) (vt) (sth) expands, swells (out), becomes inflated (vi)
膨れる fukureru /-ru; fukureta/ 膨れっ面 fukurettsuraswell (out), (cheeks) bulge out / get sulky, pout (vi) sullen look (n)
不潔 fuketsu /na/filthiness, unclean, indecent, dirty (story, money, etc.) (na-noun)
房 fusatuft (of hair, threads), bunch (of grapes, banana), cluster (of flowers), segment (of an orange)
塞ぐ / 塞がる fusagu /-u; fusaida/ fusagaru /-u; fusagatta/stop up; block (up); plug up/ cover (ears, eyes, etc.) / stand in the way (tachiX); obstruct (vt) be closed/blocked/clogged ; (te ga X) be busy, tied up (vi)
ふざける <巫山戯る> fuzakeru /-ru; fuzaketa/joke, kid around / make fun of, play a prank /screw around / make out
節 fushijoint; knuckle / tune; melody; / knot (in wood); node in a bamboo stem
節穴 fushianaknothole, peep-hole
不思議 fushigi /na/wonderful, marvelous, strange / mysterious, weird (na-noun) (as adv or -to) strangely enough, oddly enough..
防ぐ fusegu /-u; fuseida/to defend against, block, prevent, avoid (vt)
伏せる fuseru /-ru; fuseta/turn over (face down), to lay face down (on your stomach) (vt) to point downwards (the eyes, head), cast down the eyes (vt/vi)
札 fudaticket, token / label, tag / card, plate / playing card / slip of paper posted on shrine pillar with one's fortune
蓋 futa (wo suru)a lid, cover, cap (suru) to put a lid on
舞台 bûtaistage (theatre, theater) / scene or setting (of a book, play ,etc.)
双子 futagotwins
不注意 fuchuui /-na/carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessness (na-noun)
打つかる butsukaru /-u; butsukatta/to strike against; to collide with; to bump into / to encounter; to meet (vi)
打付ける butsukeru /-ru; butsuketa/to hit (e.g. one's head); to strike; to crash into / throw (e.g. a ball, a question, etc.) / vent (one's anger) (vt)
沸騰 (する) futtou (-suru)boiling, seething / becoming heated (debate) (suru) to boil (exp) soaring (prices). shooting up
ふてくされる (不貞腐れる) futekusareru /-ru; futekusareta/be sulky, disgruntled, become irresponsible (due to disgruntlement)
筆箱 fudebakopencil case
太い futôi /-katta/thick, fat (adj)
太る futôru /u; futôtta/get fat, put on weight (vi)
部品 buhinparts, components
部分 ⇔ 全体 bûbuna part (of the whole), portion
父母会 fubokaiparents' association
踏み切り fumikirirailroad crossing
踏み台 fumidaia step, stool
踏み潰す fumitsubusu /-u; fumitsubushita/crush underfoot, trampling (vt)
踏み外す fumíhazùsu /-u; fumíhazùshita/miss one's footing / be on the wrong track/path (vt/vs)
踏む fumu /-u; funda/step on, tread on / set foot on (vt) (exp) experience or undergo (exp) follow (rules, principles, etc.); to go through (e.g. formalities) (exp) to estimate; to guess; to judge (exp) to rhyme(in wo)
麓 fumotobottom of a mountain/hill, foothills / base
潤ける fuyakeru /-ru; fuyaketa/be sodden, swell up (i.e. bread with moisture); skin becomes wrinkled from soaking in water (vi)
ぶら下がる burasagaru /-u; burasagatta/hang down (from); to dangle; to swing; to be suspended (vi)
ぶら下げる burasageru /-ru; burasageta/hang; to suspend; to dangle; to swing; to carry (vt)
プラモデル puramoderuplastic model
鞦韆 burankoa swing (like in playground) trapeze (in circus)
振り上げる fuyriageru /-ru; furiageta/wield/raise overhead (vt)
振りかけ furikake (furikakeru /-ru; furikaketa)rice seasoning (to sprinkle on top) {verb stem} (vt verb) to sprinkle over (e.g. salt, pepper, etc. on food)
振り子 furikopendulum
振り回す furimawasu /-u; furimawashita/wield (sword), brandish, wave or swing (about) / display (knowledge), show off / abuse one's power, maniuplate someone into doing what you want (vt)
振り向く furímukù /-u; fuímuîta/turn around and look over the shoulder; turn one's face (vi)
振る furu /-u; futta/shake (the head), wave (the arm), swing (a bat, sword) / sprinkle / cast (an actor) / allocate (work) / turn down (someone), jilt / add kana indicating a reading of a word / slightly change headings / extract by broiling / bring up a topic et up a joke for somebody else (vt)
震える furueru /-ru; furueta/shiver, shake, quake, tremble (vi)
付録 furokuappendix. supplement (bonus or extra book, etc. added in or strapped onto a magazine, etc.)
糞 funfeces (esp. animal); excrement
分解 bunkai (suru)decomposition, dismantling, analyses (suru) to analyze, dismantle
噴水 funsuiWater fountain
塀 heifence, wall
平気 heiki /na/(col) I'm fine, okay calmness, composure, unconcern (na-noun)
閉店 heiten (suru)closed store / (suru) to close up shop (for the day) / going out of business
平和 heiwa /na/peace, harmony (na-noun)
凹む (hekomu /-u; hekonda/, kubomu /-u; kubonda/)dent, give in, sink, cave in be beaten; to be overwhelmed; to yield (col) feel depressed, in the dumps
箆 heraspatula
減らす herasu /-u; herashita/to decrease (sth), cut back on (vt)
ヘルメット (めっと) hérumèttohelmet
返事 henjireply, response
弁償 benshou (suru)reimbursement, compensation (suru) make up for
帆 hosail
穂 hoear (of plant); head (of plant)
頬 (頬っぺた) hôu / hoṕpètacheeks
望遠鏡 bouenkyoutelescope
防火 bouka (suru)fire prevention, fighting fire, fire proof
放課後 houkagoafter school (end of the day)
冒険 bouken (suru)adventure / (suru) to adventure venture which is unlikely to succeed, risky attempt
防災頭巾 (bousai-zukin)protective hood worn during earthquakes and other disasters (e.g. to protect from falling objects)
奉仕 houshi (suru)volunteer service, church work offering goods at a reduced price (free service)
坊主頭 bouzuâtamaclose-cropped hair (like a monk)
宝石 housekigemstones, jewel
放送 housou (suru)broadcasting (suru) to broadcast (on tv, P.A. system, etc.)
包装紙 housoushigift wrapping paper
放り込む hoorikomu /-u; hoorikonda/toss into, throw in
放る hooru /-u; hootta/to toss, hurl, fling (usu with -oku) abandon, leave alone, give up on
吠える hoêru /-ru; hoêta/bark (dog); howl (vi) (wind) howls, roars
ポーズ poozu (suru)pose; (suru) do, make a pose 2) a pause
頬擦り (hoozuri (suru))Cheek rubbing, rubbing cheeks together (as display of affection); pressing cheeks together with both hands (suru)
頬杖(を突く) hoozue (wo tsuku)Prop self up on cheeks
頬張る hoobaru /-u; hoobatta/stuff one's cheeks with food, fill mouth with food
暈す bokasu /-u; bokashita/to blur, shade off, gradate (colors) (vt) to obscure, make ambiguous
牧場 bokujou / makibafarm, ranch
黒子 hokuromole(s)
保健室 hokenshitsuschool Infirmary, nurses office
歩行者 hokousha (昨日この横断歩道で、親子の歩行者がトラックにひかれて死んだんだ)pedestrian, walker
歩行者天国 hokoushatengokupedestrian paradise (where streets are shut down for traffic and people walk freely for shopping, events etc.)
埃 hokoridust
綻び hokorobi hokorobiru /-ru; hokorobita/open seam, seam that has come apart, tear (vi verb) come apart at the seams, be ripped
星 hoshistar (except our sun), planets (but not earth) star (actor) star (shape)
穿る hojiru /-u; hojitta/ hojikuru /-u; hojikutta/ (ちょっとやつらをほじくってみるか) (中の餡だけほじって食べちゃだめよ)pry into, examine closely / dig out; to pick (nose, teeth, etc.) [two verbs] (vt)
干す hosu /-u; hoshita/to dry out, air out / drain (off) / drink up (vt)
ポスト / (郵便箱) posuto (yuubinbako)post (office) box
細い hosôi /-katta/thin, slender, fine (adj)
細長い hosonagai /-katta/long and narrow, long and slender (adj)
ホック hokkuhook (esp on clothing), snap fastener (button=sunappu)
放ったらかす hottarakasu /-u; hottarakashita/ (子供たちをほったらかしにしていることで非難された)neglect, leave undone, leave unattended (vi)
ホッとする hotto (suru)be relieved, with a sigh of relief (adv,suru)
火照る hoteru /-u; hotetta/ (私は気まずい思いで体がほてった)to feel hot; to flush (with embarrassment, etc.); to burn (vi)
歩道 hodousidewalk
歩道橋 hodoukyouoverpass footbridge, pedestrian bridge
解く / 解ける hodoku /-u; hodoita/ hodokeru /-ru; hodoketa/to untie, unravel, solve (a mystery, problem) (vt) to come loose; to come untied; to come undone; to unravel (vi)
骨 honebone(s)
骨組み honegumibone structure, framework, wireframe
微笑む hohoemu /-u; hohoenda/to smile (vi)
ぼやける boyákèru /-ru; boyákèta/ (テレビの画像はぼやけて見えた)be blurry, become dim (vi)
彫る hôru /-u; hôtta/ (彼は大理石で像の頭を彫っている)carve, engrave, chisel / tattoo (vt)
掘る hôru /-u; hôtta/to dig, excavate / dig up (vegetables) (vt)
本物 honmonoThe real thing, genuine article
ぼんやり bonyari (to)absent-minded, idly, aimlessly / dimly, indistinctly (gitiago)
扁桃腺炎 hentousen'entonsillitis
不貞寝 futene (-suru) (怒った少年はふて寝をしてどうしても食事に出なかった)going to bed angry, in a huff, sulking in bed (suru)
風車小屋 fuushagoyawindmill
包帯 houtaibandage, dressing
包帯 houtaibandage, dressing
包帯 houtaibandage, dressing
ぶつぶつ butsubutsu (to)grumble, complain, mutter (~ iu) (adv-to) (gitaigo) pimples, rash, bumps on skin cut into small pieces (suru)
ぶらぶら burabura (suru)dangling heavily; swaying (as feet hanging off) (gitaigo) stroll around aimlessly; rambling; wondering (behavior) idly; lazily; leisurely (illness) persisting
ホーム hoomutrain/subway platform
保存 hozon (suru)save (computer), save file; preservation, storage (-suru)
募集 boshuu (suru) (うちのバスケット部は背の高い男子を募集している)recruitment (for job); taking application (for a position) raising (funds, donations, etc.)
変換 henkan (suru)conversion; change; transformation (suru) (computer) convert file, convert romaji to kanji (IME)
変更 henkou (suru)change (clothes in locker room, plans, schedule, car lanes), modification, alteration (-suru)
返却 henkyaku (suru)return (a rented, loaned object back, tray back to tray return, etc.), repayment (suru-verb)
振り込む furikomu /-u; furikonda/make a payment via bank deposit transfer, can be done via atm machine found in convenience stores.
朗らか hogaraka /na/cheerful, merry, sunny / bright (sky, day) fine, clear (na-noun)
普段着 fudangieveryday clothes, ordinary clothes, casual wear, informal clothes