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level: Extra Words (ka-ki)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Extra Words (ka-ki)

貝 kâishellfish
怪獣 kaijuumonster
怪獣映画 kaijuu eigamonster film (such as gojira)
海水浴 kaisuiyokuswimming in the ocean
階段 kaidanstairs
開店 (-する) kaitenopen store (for business) / open shop (for the day)
回転ドア (kaitendoa)revolving door
回覧板 kairanbancircular notice (for getting everyone signature that they have read, acknowledged)
帰り道 kaerimichithe road home
孵る kaêru /-u; kaêtta/to hatch (from an egg)
鏡 kagâmia mirror
柿 kakipersimmon
垣根 kakînehedge; fence
掻きまわす kakimawasu /-u; kakimawashita/to stir; to churn; to poke (a fire) / to rummage around
額 gaku(picture) frame
掻く kâku /-u; kaita/scratch / (with sweat) perspire / (with oar) paddle; (with peddle) to peddle
隠す kakûsu /-u; kakûshita/to hide; to conceal (vt)
隠れる kakúrèru /-ru; kakúrèta/hide; to be hidden; to conceal oneself (vi)
影 ・ 陰 kâgeshadow / shade
欠ける kakêru /-ru; kakêta/chips off, break (off); be damaged / be missing (from a set etc.); to be absent /to be lacking (vi)
駆ける kakêru /-ru; kakêta/sprint; run
籠 kagobasket
重ねる kasánèru /-ru; kasánèta/pile up; to heap up; to stack up;/ to repeat many times over (vt)
重なる kasanaru /-u; kasanatta/be stacked up, piled up / accumulate (vi)
飾る kazaru /-u; kazatta/to decorate
齧る kajîru /-u; kajîtta/nibble on; bite into
滓 kâsushavings, dregs, grounds, leftovers
木枯らし kogarashicold wintry wind
数える kazoeru (-ru; kazoeta)to count (vt)
肩車 katagurumariding on one's shoulders (for kids) (lit: shoulder car)
肩叩き / 肩叩く katatataki / katatataku /-u; katatataita/shoulder massage (by tapping) (ido.) tap on the shoulder (request to resign) (verb stem)
形 katachishape; form
片方 katâhouone side (of a pair); counterpart
塊 ・ 固まり katamariin a mass; lump; cluster
固まる katamaru /-u; katamatta/hardens; to solidify / become firm / gather (together) (vi)
傾ける katámukèru /-ru; katámukèta/incline (sth), tilt (sth), lean (sth) over (vt)
傾く katamuku /-u; katamuita/leans (to the side); inclines; (sth) is tilted (vi)
固める katameru /-ru; katameta/harden; to freeze (your thoughts, a hand into a fist, clay) / (to your body) make secure; reinforce
花壇 kadanflowerbed
家畜 kachikulivestock; domestic animals
勝つ kâtsu /-u; kâtta/to win; gain victory (vi)
担ぐ katsûgu /-u; katsûida/to shoulder; to carry on one's shoulder / 2) to choose (sb) as a representative or position 3) (ido.) to take (someone) for a ride (i.e., to deceive)
合羽 (kappa)raincoat (loanword from por.)
鐘 kane(large) bell
庇う kabâu /-u; kabâtta/to protect (someone); to look after (e.g. an injured leg); to defend; to cover for; to stand up for; to stick up for
黴 kabimold
壁 kabewall
蒲鉾 kamabokosteamed seasoned fish paste, usu. in a semicylindrical shape on a strip of wood and sliced to go in soup, etc
紙屑籠 / 紙屑 kamíkuzukàgo / kamíkùzuwastepaper basket paper scraps
紙芝居 kamíshìbaipicture storyboards (for telling a story) (lit: paper theater)
紙吹雪 kamífùbukiconfetti (lit. paper blizzard)
擤む  (鼻を) kâmu /-u; kânda/blow the nose (vt)
噛む kâmu /-u; kânda/to bite chew; to gnaw / (exp) to fumble one's words stutter/ (waves) crash against / (cogs, gears, zippers) engage to mesh (together) (vt)
痒い kayûi /-katta/itchy (adj)
画用紙 gayôushidrawing paper; construction paper (usu different colors)
殻 kara(empty) shell; husk; hull
空っぽ karappo (= kara)empty (completely)
絡まる karámàru /-u; karámàtta/get/be entwined, entangled; to be involved (mixed up in) (vi)
刈る kâru /-u; katta/to cut (grass, hair, etc.); to mow; to clip; to trim; to prune
枯れる karêru /-ru; karêta/wither (up) [and die]
皮 kawaleather; hide
かわいそう(可哀想) kawáisòu /na/poor; pitiable; pathetic (na-noun)
感じる / 感ずる kanjiru /-ru; kanjita/to feel; to sense; to experience
完成 (する) kansei (-suru)complete; completion (-suru) to complete
缶詰 kanzumecanned goods
看板 kanbansign; signboard
看病 (する) kânbyou (suru)nursing (a patient); to nurse, care for (someone sick)
気球 kikyuuhot air balloon
カサカサ ・ かさかさ kasakasarustling (sound) / dry and rough (gitaigo)
がらんがらん (garan garan)(heavly) clanging (sound)
からんからん (karankaran)clank clang (sound of rolling can)
ガチャガチャ ・がちゃがちゃ gachagachaclatter; clank; rattling around (like capsules in a vending machine)
ガタガタ ・ がたがた gatagatatrembliing, wobbling, swaying; rattling (sound), griping or grumbling, rickety or shaky
ガシャン gashan!bang! crash! smash! (breaking)
キューキュー ・ きゅうきゅう kyuukyuusqueak squeak (sound of wiping glass clean)
キャンキャン ・  ギャンギャン (kyan-kyan)yelp; yap
切り抜く kirínùku /-u; kirínùita/to cut out; to clip from; to extract (tv)
曲線 kyokusencurve (line)
漁業 gyôgyoufishing (industry)
行列 gyouretsua line (of people), parade; (math) matrix
競争 (する) kyousoucompetition; contest; race (-suru) to compete
協力 (する) kyouryoku (suru)cooperation; collaboration (-suru) to cooperate
行儀 (がいい・わるい) gyougi (ga ii / warui)manners (are good/bad)
給食 kyuushokuschool lunch (provided by school)
逆 gyakureverse; mirrored; inverse
規則、 決まり (kisoku / kimari)regulation / rules
牙 kîbafangs
キノコ ・ 茸 kînokomushroom(s)
きつい kitsûi /-katta/tough; severe / strong-minded; fierce / strong (e.g. sunlight, alcohol) / (too) tight; constricting (adj)
傷 kizuwound; cut; scrape; scar / chip; crack; scratch; nick / flaw; defect/ stain (on one's reputation); disgrace
記号 kigousymbol, code, sign
菊 kikuchrysanthemum
効く kiku /-u; kiita/be effective; to take effect; to be good (for) / work; to function well
ぎっしり gisshiritightly (packed); densely; closely; crammed (gitaigo)
ひらひら hirahirafluttering; flapping; waving/ flickering (light, flame, etc.) (gitaigo)
きょろきょろ kyorokyoro(looking around) restlessly; (looking) all around (gitaigo)
めそめそ mesomesosobbing; weeping; whimpering (gitaigo)
のろのろ noronorolowly; sluggishly (gitaigo)
どたばた dotabatanoisily (running around); with heavy feet / in a fluster; in a flurry,panic (gitaigo)
くしゃくしゃ kushakushacrumpled; rumpled; wrinkled; creased; tousled (hair, clothes) / to be annoyed; to be irritated (gitaigo)
ぎざぎざ gizagizaserration; indentation; jaggies (stair-step artifacts in computer images) /serrated; jagged (gitaigo)
影絵 kagêeshadow puppets (play)
階段 kaidanstairs
火星 kaseiMars
金星 kinseiVenus
海王星 kaiouseiNeptune
火力発電 karyoku-hatsudenthermal power (generation)
海賊船 kaizokusenpirate ship
冠 kanmuricrown
画家 gakâpainter, artist
ガードマン gaadomansecruity guard
懐中電灯 kaichuudentou(hand-held) flashlight
神棚 kamidanahousehold shrine; home shrine
掛け軸 kakéjìkuhanging scroll
片足飛び (kataashitobi)one-legged jump
刻む kizamu /-u; kizanda/mince; cut fine (vt) carve; to engrave; to chisel tick away (time); beat out(e.g.rhythm) (kokoro ni) etch (into one's mind); remember distinctly
南瓜 kabochajapanese punpkin squash
河童 kappamythical water-dwelling creature who steals children / (ido) a good swimmer
気持ちが悪い (kimochi ga warui)I feel sick.
かざぐるま (風車) (kazaguruma)pinwheel (toy)
神主(さん) kânnushishinto priest
お粥 ([o]kayu)thin rice porridge; watery cooked rice; rice gruel
ガーゼ gaazegauze (from german)
カーナビ kaanabicar navigation system
柄 garapattern, design/ (body) build; figure / essential qualities; character
がらがら ・ ガラガラ garagara(sound) clatter; rattle; (gitaigo) empty; bare; vacant / (gitaigo) raspy (voice); gravelly /(giseigo) with a gargle / rough (personality, speech, etc.) (gitaigo)
カンニング kanningu (suru)to cheat (on a test), cribbing
きらきら kirakiraglittering, sparkling, twinkling (like the stars) (gitaigo)
ぎりぎり girigirigrinding sound (teeth gnashing) (giseigo) / just barely (on time), by the skin of your teeth, near miss (gitaigo)
外見 gaikenoutward appearance
完了 kanryou (suru)completion, finish / (gram.) perfect (tense) / (computer) ok, finish (button) (movie) fin [the end] (suru) to complete, finish (a job, etc.)
家電 kadenelectric appliances, consumer electronics or appliances
強風 kyoufuustrong winds, gust
恐怖 kyoufufear, dread, horror (i.e. horror movie), terror (-suru) be/feel terror
患者 kanjapatient (in a hospital)
感動 kandou (suru)deeply moved emotionally; passion; inspiration (-suru) be moved
感心 kanshin (suru/na)admiration; being impressed (suru) be impressed admirable; praiseworthy (na-noun) [worthy of praise] astonishment (suru)
記入 ki'nyuu (suru)entry (in a form, register, diary, etc.) / (suru) to fill in, fill out (a form, application)
技術 gijutsutechnology / technique, skill / art, craft
解像度 kaizoudoresolution (of a display, printer, etc.)
滑走路 kasśoùrorunway
緊張 kinchou /na/nervous, tension, mental strain (na-noun)
画面 gamenscreen (of tv, computer monitor, etc.) / image (on a screen); scene / (lit) surface of a painting
聞き返す kikikaesu /-u kikikaeshita/listen repeatedly; listen again / ask a question in return / ask again / ask for a repeated explanation (vt)
画像 gazouimage (on screen), picture
許可 kyokapermission, approval, authorization / (suru) to permit, to authorize
案山子 kakashiscarecrow