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level: Extra Words (e-o)

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level questions: Extra Words (e-o)

音 otosound
お使い otsukaian errand; go as an envoy ; errand boy/girl
落ち葉 ôchibafallen leaves
落ち着く ochitsuku /-u; ochitsuita/calm down / settle down/ to settle in
(お)葬式 (o)soushikifuneral
雄 osumale (as opposed to female, usu. for animals)
おしっこ oshikkopee
押し付ける oshitsukeru /-ru; oshitsuketa/press against; to push against; to force against/ to foist on (task, responsibility) (vt)
押し出す oshídàsu /-u; oshídàshita/crowd out; to push out; to squeeze out / (all) start together
押し込む oshíkòmu /-u; oshíkònda/push into; to cram into; to stuff into / break in (to burgle)
押し合う oshiau /-u; oshiatta/jostle; to crowd; to haggle (pushing against each other)
お子様ランチ (okosama ranchi)kids meal (cheap option at family restaurants etc.)
抑える ・ 押さえる osaeru /-ru; osaeta/subdue; to suppress; to repress; to hold back (opposed to pin-down with 2nd kanji)
お下がり osâgarihand-me-down clothes; leftovers
(お)化粧 (o)keshou (also: メーク)makeup, cosmetics
大売り出し oóuridàshibig bargain sale
大げさ  ・ 大袈裟 oógèsagrandiose; exaggerated (org meaning: big monks' stole, used to drape over shoulders)
大通り oódòorimain street; major road
おかず (おさい) okâzu (osai / souzai)small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish
おかっぱ ・ お河童 okappabobbed hair (looks like the mythical creature's hair)
屋上 okujouroof top
奥 ôkuinner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses;
往復 oufukuround-trip (journey there and back)
横断歩道 oúdan hòdoucross walk
応援 (する) ouen (-suru)cheer on; root for / assistance; help; support
追う ou /-u; otta/pursue; chase; to run after / to follow (trend, etc.) / to drive out; herd
追い払う oiharau / -u; oiharatta/to drive away; to clear; to scatter; to disperse (a crowd) (vt)
追い付く oítsùku /-u; oítsùita/to catch up (with); to draw level/even with /to be compensated (for losses) (vi)
追い出す oídàsu /-u; oídàshita/to expel; to drive out; chase away
注射器 chúushàkisyringe; hypodermic needle
追いかける oíkakèru /-ru; oíkakèta/ (var: oḱkakèru)to chase; to run after; to pursue (vt)
縁日 ênnichitemple festival; fair; fete day (for a particular deity),also a preschool/kindergarten event with fun games/activities on playground and kids singing songs or other programs for parents.
煙突 entotsuchimney
園庭 (entei)kindergarten yard; playground / garden
円 ena circle, ring / (~ni naru) make a circle by joining hands (also Japanese currency name)
遠足(する) ensoku (suru)outing, (school) field trip, excursion
エレベーター erébeetàaelevator
襟 ericollar
絵本 ehônpicture book (for children)
絵葉書 ehâgakia picture postcard
絵の具 enogupaints / painting supplies
エネルギー enérugìienergy
絵日記 eníkkìillustrated diary; picture diary
エスカレーター esukáreetàaescalator
餌 esaanimal food, feed / bait, lure (i.e. for fish)
笑顔 egaoa smile, smiling face
絵 edrawing, picture
柄 ehandle; grip/stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)
落とし物 otoshimonosomething dropped unawares' lost property
踊り場 odoribalanding (stairs) dance hall/floor
踊る odoru /-u; odotta/to dance (orig. a hopping dance) (vi)
驚かす odórokàsu /-u; odórokàshita/surprise; to frighten; to create a stir (vt)
おなら onaraa fart (nicer way to say)
お寝小 =(寝小便) onesho (neshouben)bed-wetting
溺れる obórèru /-ru; oboreta/to drown or nearly drown (to struggle in the water), drowning / (ido) indulge in; to lose one's head over something (vi)
鬼 oniogre, demon (from Japanese legends) / (as prefix) crazy~, super~
お化け obakeghost; monster
悪魔 âkumademon; devil
王妃(さま) ouhi(sama)queen
王さま ou(-sama)king
おまけ omake (ni)a bonus, extra, freebie (as adv) what's more, to make matters worse, on top of that, to boot, etc.
お守り omamoricharm; amulet
お見舞い omimaivisiting/seeing someone in the hospital
お宮参り omíyamàirivisiting a shrine
おめかし (する) omêkashidressing up (+suru)
思い切って omoikitte(adv) resolutely; boldly; decisively (not holding back to express opinion etc.)
思いやり omoiyari (ga aru/nai)consideration; thoughtfulness; sympathy; compassion; feeling; kindness
親孝行 oyá-koùkoufilial piety; being kind to one's parents; taking care of one's parents
あやす ayâsu /-u; ayashita/cuddle; to comfort (eg, a child); to rock; to soothe; to dandle; to humor (vt)
折り畳み (oritatami)folding; collapsible
折り目 orimefold; crease; pleat manners (see Xtadashii)
織る ôru /-u; otta/to weave
温室 onshitsugreenhouse; hothouse; conservatory
温度 ôndotemperature (water/matter or generic)
負んぶ onbupiggyback ride; carrying on one's back (e.g. baby)
折り紙 orígàmiart of folding paper (into animals, etc.)
追い風 oíkàzetailwind, wind blowing from behind
おそるおそる (恐る恐る ) osoruosorufearfully; timidly; nervously; cautiously; gingerly (gitaigo)
駅員 ekiinstation attendant; (train) station employee/staff
音楽家 ongakuka (also pronounced ongakka)musician
鉛筆建て (enpitsudate)pencil holder
下ろす orôsu /-u; oroshita/to cut off; to fillet (fish); to grate (e.g. radish); to prune (branches) (vt)
贈り物 okurimonogifts
羨ましい uráyamashìi /-katta/envious, feel jealous. / wanting, liking what someone else has (adj)
おたふく風邪 (otafukukaze)Mumps
衛星放送 eísei housòusatellite broadcasting
大さじ oosajitable spoon (for measuring)
大型 oogatalarge-sized, big (scale), jumbo (i.e. semitruck as opposed to small truck, huge storm as opposed to regular or small one, etc.)
幼い osánài /-katta/very young; (when) little / childish, immature (adj)
穏やか odayaka /na/calm, gentle, mild / moderate, reasonable (na-noun)
栄養 eiyounutrition/ nourishment
応募 oubo (suru)application, entry (competition, raffle, job, etc.) / (suru) to apply to. subscribe to
男前 otokomaehandsome (man's good looks) / manliness
お化け屋敷 obakeyashikihaunted house / haunted mansion
おませ omase / oshama(-san)precocious (child) / acting grown up (esp. a young girl)