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level: Extra Words (a-i-u)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Extra Words (a-i-u)

飲食店 ínshokutènrestaurants, eating and drinking establishments
握手 akushu (-suru)handshake ; (suru) to shake hands
欠伸 akubi (wo suru/ ga deru)yawn
空ける akeru /-ru; aketa/to empty out (the trash); make space/room; clear out (space) (vt)
揚げる ageru /-ru; ageta/deep fry (fry food in oil)
明ける akeru /-ru; aketa/to dawn, grows light (the sun comes up) , (new day, year) begins
浅い asâi /-katta/shallow (adj)
朝日 âsahimorning sun
足跡 ashíatòfootprints
足音 ashíòtofootsteps (sound)
汗 âsesweat
缶蹴り kankerikick the can (game)
達磨さんが転んだ (darumasan ga koronda)red light green light (game) (lit: the daruma doll tumbled down)
鬼ごっこ onígòkkotag (game) (lit: pretend to be ogre)
腕相撲 udézumòuarm wrestle (game)
温める atátamèru /-ru; atátamèta/warm/heat up (make warm)
仇名 adananickname
当たり atarisuccess, hit! (in game of chance) / a guess / a bruise (on fruit, etc); sensation, touch (in go) check! (said when about to capture oppoent piece, like saying 'check' in chess)
当たる ataru /-u; atatta/to be hit / be selected (in a lottery), win / touches (heat) reaches, stricken by (sickness) / be applicable, applies to/be right on the money / be successful; go well / to be called on (e.g. by a teacher) (vi)
当てる ateru /-ru; ateta/hit (sth) / expose (to sunlight, germs, air, etc) / apply (e.g. patch); to put on,against, hold against / allot; call on someone (e.g. in class) /to make a guess (an answer) / make a hit (e.g. in a lottery) (vt)
跡 atoa mark (left after being hit, left on, a scar)
後片づけ atókatazùke (wo suru)cleaning up after (after done with whatever) (suru) <verb-stem>
穴 anaa hole
暴れる abareru /-ru; abareta/to rampage, rage, act violent, bang about (rough playing) (vi)
溢れる afúrèru /-ru; afúrèta/to overflow (vi)
あべこべ abekobebe wrong way around, backwards
雨宿り amáyàdoritaking shelter from rain (verb-stem)
網 aminet (large or small one on pole)
編み物 amimonoknitting, things for knitting
編み棒 amibouknitting needles
編む âmu /-u; ânda/to knit (vt)
大雨 ooameheavy rain
嵐 ârashistorm
アルミ箔 arúmihàkualuminum foil
泡 awabubbles; suds
餡子 ânkored bean paste; red bean jam
安心 anshin /-na/relief, piece of mind (na-noun)
言いつける iitsukeru /-ru/to tell (to do); to order; to charge; to direct (vt) to tell on (someone); to tattle; to report
言いつけ iitsukeorder; command / directions; instructions <verb-stem>
雨どい amadoispout, rain gutter (on house)
縁側 engawanarrow porch off most Japanese homes. it can also include the hallway that sometimes separates inner tatami rooms and outside the house. This porch is always above ground level at least a foot but is hollow underneath, supported by poles
息 îkibreath
息切れ ikigireout of breath
行先 ikisaki / yukisakidestination, whereabouts (i.e of address)
行き違い ikichigai ( suru / ni naru)crossing without meeting (e.g. letters in the post, people on the road); going astray / misunderstanding
行き止まり ikidomaridead end; cul-de-sac; blind alley; no through road (i.e. on signage) end of the road; end point; as far as one can go
石 ishistone, rock
石段 ishidanstone steps, stairs
苛める ijimeru /-ru ijimeta/to bully, torment (vt)
弄る ijîru /-u; ijîtta/ ijikuru /-u; ijikutta/fiddle with, play with, tamper with (vt) (2 verbs)
意地悪 ijíwàrumean, unkind, malicious (noun [adj stem])
悪戯 itazura /-na, -suru/mischief; prank; fool around; practical joke / pastime/ playing with (a lighter, etc.); fooling around with
板の間 ita no mawooden floor; room with a wooden floor changing room (at a public bath)
位置 îchiplace; situation; position; location
苺 ichigostrawberry
犬小屋 inugoyadog house
居眠り inêmuridozing off, nodding off
祈る inoru /-u; inotta/to pray; to wish (vt)
威張る ibâru /-u; ibâtta/be bossy; put on airs; to act big; to throw one's weight about; to be overbearing
鼾 (をかく) ibiki (wo kaku)snoring (to snore)
入れ物 iremonoa container (lit: thing for putting in)
色鉛筆 iroenpitsucolor pencils
いろがみ (色紙) (irogami)color paper (various colors for paper crafts)
印刷(する) insatsu (-suru)print (to print) (as in a printing press or printer)
インスタント insutantoinstant (coffee, noodles, etc.)
嗽 ugai (suru)gargling (to gargle in mouth to clean)
浮かべる ukaberu /-ru; ukabeta/set afloat; to launch/ (expression) show on one's face / (memory, thought) recalls; call to mind (vt)
浮かぶ ukabu /-u; ukanda/to float; to be suspended / rise to the surface/ (thought) comes to mind (vi)
浮く uku /-u; uita/floats / become unsteady/ feel out of place, time
受け取る uketoru /-u; uketotta/receive; to accept; to take (interpret or understand, i.e. get some information into your head)
渦 ûzuswirl; eddy; whirlpool
渦巻 uzumakivortex; swirl / spiral (shape, pattern)
薄める usumeru /-ru; usumeta/thin out, dilute, water down
内側 uchigawainterior, inner part
宇宙 ûchuu(outer) space
美しい utsúkushìi /-katta/beautiful /adj/
写す utsûsu /-u; utsûshita/to film; to picture / transcribe; to duplicate / to imitate; to trace (vt)
映す utsûsu /-u; utsûshita/project, reflect (in a mirror); to cast (shadow) (vt)
移す utsûsu /-u; utsûshita/transfer,move to/ change the object of one's interest / permeate something with the smell of something / move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.); pass on, transfer ( a cold etc) to someone else
腕組み udegumi (wo suru)crossing arms / crossed arms
腕まくり udemakuri (wo suru)rolling up the sleeves
頷く unazuku /-u; unazuita/nod the head; bow head in assent
唸る ・ 呻る unâru /-u; unâtta/to growl or roar (an animal) / groan; to moan / to hum (engine, wind, etc.); to buzz; to whiz / to ooh and aah (in admiration)
馬乗り umanori (wo suru)horse riding, sitting astride
産む ・ 生む umu /-u; unda/give birth to, to birth, to lay an egg
埋める umeru /-ru; umeta/to bury (e.g. in the ground) (vt) fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall); to cause to be packed plug (a gap); to stop (a gap); to fill out,in (an answer) to make up for (a loss, shortage, etc.) to put cold water (in a bath)
裏返し urágaèshiinside out; upside down; / flip side; opposite; contrary
裏返す urágaèsu /-u; urágaèshita/to turn inside out; to turn the other way; to turn (something) over (vt)
売り切り (urikiri)be sold out
上履き uwabakihallway slippers; indoor shoes
うんち / うんこ unchi / unkodo-do, 'do a #2' / poop
運動 undou (-suru)exercises, workout, sports / movement (as a campaign or lobby) / (-suru) to work out, exercise
運動会 undoukai'sports festival'; field day (special school event)
玉入れ tamâireball-toss game (into high buckets on poles)
一等賞 iťtòushoufirst prize; blue-ribbon; a gold medal
運動着 uńdòugisportswear; sports clothes
運動具 uńdòugusporting goods / exercise equipment
運動場 undoujousports ground, play ground (at school which is often a large dirt field, not grass)
園長(先生) ênchou (sensei)head of a garden; kindergarten principal; nursery school principal; park director
追い越す oikosu /-u; oikoshita/to pass (e.g. car); to overtake / surpass; to outstrip (vt)
団扇 uchiwa(non-folding) fan (to hold in hand)
アイロン台 airondaiironing board
甘えん坊 amaenbouspoiled child, pampered child, always demands attention from parent
慌てん坊 (awatenbou)flustered, hasty person
蹲る uzukumaru /-u; uzukumatta/crouch; to squat; to cower (vi)
仰向け aomuke (ni naru)facing upward (while on your back)
炙る aburu /-u; abutta/to toast; to grill; to broil; to roast; to scorch (in flames) (vt) to warm (e.g. one's hands over a fire); to dry
炒る îru /-r; îtta/to roast (coffee beans); to parch; to boil down
炒める itámèru /-ru; itámèta/to fry; to saute; to stir-fry
揚げる ageru /-ru; ageta/to deep-fry (fried foods) (vt)
錨 (碇) ikarianchor
怒り ikarifury, rage, wrath
飲食店 ínshokutènrestaurants, eating and drinking establishments
板前 itamaesushi chef (or high-end cuisine) / (lit) chopping board area of kitchen
アクセル akuseruaccelerator (the gas pedal)
褪せる asêru /-ru; asêta/(color) fades; discolors / (ido) (memory) fades; diminish (vi)
焦る asêru /-ru; asêta/be in a hurry; be impatient; fret /get a fright; to panic (vi)
生き生き ikiiki (to)in a lively way; vividly; freshly; animatedly; actively
イコール ikooruequals (math symbol)
ウイルス uirusua virus (from german)
お絞り oshiborimoistened towel (supplied at table) in restaurants, usually hot and steamy in winter and chilled cold in summer time.
印鑑 ínkànsmall portable seal (usu. kept in case with some red ink sponge) with family name for stamping documents
うろうろ urouro (suru)restlessly; aimlessly without purpose (suru) (gitaigo) loiter; to drift; to hang about (=urotsuku)
一方通行 ippoutsuukouone way traffic (road)
宛名 atêna(addressee's) name; (recipient's) name and/or address (on package, letter, email, etc.)
居酒屋 izakayaJapanese bar that serves various dishes and snacks
意見 ikenopinion, thoughts (on a subject)
暗記 anki (suru)memorization; learning by rote (~kaado, ~nooto, etc.), etc.)
暗証番号 anshoubangouPIN, password number
空き地 akichia vacant (plot of) land; empty lot
飲酒運転 inshu-untendrunk driving, DUI
運転免許証 untenmenkyoshoudriver's license
畦道 (azemichi)footpath between rice fields