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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow
What does qualitative analysis mean?Identification of the unknown substance
What does quantitive analysis mean?Determination of composition of a mixture
What is a reagent?A substance which reacts with another substance
Name two bases which are not alkalis but dissolve in strong alkalis?NaOH and KOH
A coloured metallic oxide which dissolves in alkalis to yield colourless solutions?Lead Oxide (PbO)
Process of formation of an insoluble solid when solutions are mixed?Precipitation
What is caustic soda?Sodium Hydroxide
What is the colour of ppt when calcium is added to NaOH?Milky white
Is calcium ions soluble in excess alkalis?Sparingly soluble
What is the colour of Iron(2) ions when added to NaOH?Dirty green
Is Iron (2) soluble in NaOH?Insoluble
What is the colour of Iron (3) when added to NaOH?Reddish Brown
Is Iron (3) soluble in NaOH?Insoluble
What is the colour of copper when added to NaOH?Pale blue
Are copper ions soluble in NaOH?Insoluble
What is the colour of zinc when added to NaOH?Gelatinous white
Are zinc ions soluble in NaOH?Soluble
What is the colour of lead when added to NaOH?Chalky white
Is lead soluble in NaOH?Soluble
Why is no precipitation formed when we add calcium to NH4OH?Because concentration of OH- ions is so low that it cannot precipitate the hydroxide of calcium
What is the colour of iron (2) when added to NH4OH?Dirty green
Is iron (2) soluble in NH4OH?Insoluble
What is the colour of Iron (3) when added to NH4OH?Reddish brown
Is iron (3) soluble in NH4OH?insoluble
Is Iron (2 or 3) soluble in excess of NH4OH?No
What is the colour of copper when added to NH4OH?Pale blue
What is the colour of copper when NH4OH is added in excess?Azure blue solution is formed
What is the colour of zinc when added to NH4OH?Gelatinous white
Is zinc soluble in excess of NH4OH?yes
What colour does lead salt form when added to NH4OH?Chalky white
Is lead salt soluble in NH4OH?Insoluble
Why does Ammonium salt when added to NH4OH does not give out ammonia?Because of common ions NH4CL will not give any reaction
What happens when any water soluble base is heated with ammonia salts?Ammonia gas is evolved
Compounds which react with both acids and alkalis to form salt and water?Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides
Compounds which show both acidic and basic character?Amphoteric compounds
Colour of cupric ion?bLue
Colour of ferrous ion?light green
Colour of ferric ion?yellowish brown
Colour of nickel ion?Green
Colour of chromium ion?Green
Colour of manganese ion?Pink
Colour of permanganate ion?pink or purple
Colour of dichromate ion?Orange
Colour of chromate ion?Yellow