Artless | without effort, without skill; without deception |
Ascetic | Characterized by severe self discipline, especially in religious matters |
Assuage | Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense; satisfy |
Bucolic | Relating to the pleasant aspects of country side |
Burgeon | Begin to grow rapidly, flourish |
Cacophonous | Involving or producing harsh, discordant sounds |
Canonize | treat or regard with great significance |
Censure | Formal expression of severe disapproval |
Chicanery | Use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's goal |
Cogent | clear, logical and convincing |
Evoke | Bring or recall, invoke |
Contend | Struggle to overcome; assert something as an argument |
Copious | Abundant in supply or quantity |
Cosmopolitan | including people around the world, knowing a lot of cultures; found around the world(like plants and animals) |
Deference | Polite submission and respect |
Desultory | Lacking in plan, enthusiasm and purpose; occurring randomly and occasionally |
Diffident | Modest or shy because of lack of self-confidence |
Dilatory | Intended to delay; slow to act |
Equivocate | use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or committing oneself |
Polarize | Divide or cause to divide into two contrasting groups |
Abstain | Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something |
Approbation | Approval or praise |
Cherish | Protect and care for someone lovingly; hold something dear |
Corroborate | Confirm or give support to |
Emulate | imitate; match or surpass by imitating |
Enervate | lacking in energy, feel drained of energy |
Ephemeral | having a short time |
Fervid | intensively enthusiastic or passionate to an excessive degree |
Garrulous | Excessively talkative especially on trivial matters |
Inimical | tending to obstruct or harm; unfriendly |