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level: Level 3: Discussion/Definition

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3: Discussion/Definition

In vitro fertilization---
Discuss what Gregor Mendel did---
Discuss the theory of evolution by natural selection.---
Contribution of Phoebus Levene---
Discuss the process of polio vaccination adapted by Salk---
Explain what a gene is---
What is DNA and its difference from RNA---
What is bio processing technology?---
What is Eugenics?It is the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally.
What is chromosome?Chromosomes are structures containing long sequences of dense, supercoiled DNA.
What is gene?A molecular unit of heredity material of a living organism.
Monoclonal Antibodies---
Cell/Tissue Culture---
Insect Cell Culture---
Mammalian Cell Culture---
Stem Cells Culture---
Embryonic Stem Cells Culture---
Recombinant DNA Technology---
Molecular or gene cloning---
Animal cloning---
Microarrays and Gene Chips---
Synthetic Biology---
Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics---
Epigenetics and Epigenome---
Nuclear Medicine---
Genetic Engineering (include the steps)---
Genetic Screening---
Genetic Therapy---
Germ line gene therapy and somatic cell gene therapy---
Antiretroviral drugs---
In vitro fertilization---
Therapeutic Antibodies---
Therapeutic Proteins---
Natural products as therapeutics---
Protein replacement therapies---
Cell transplants---
Agricultural biotechnology---
Crop biotechnology---
Forest biotechnology---
Animal Biotechnology---
Expressed Sequence Tags---