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level: Level 2: Names

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level questions: Level 2: Names

They were the first ones to brew beer on a wide scale.Egyptians.
He was a Greek mathematician who stated that heredity was the dominion of males.Pythagoras.
He theorized that the man’s semen mixed with the fluids inside the woman’s body, resulting in a child with characteristics of both the parents.Empedocles
Around 350 BC, he formulated a theory and believed that both the mother and father contributed to the physical makeup of their children.Aristotle
He was the person to use microscope for academic purposes. He also discovered the cellular structure of plants and the first person to view fungi which he grew in his laboratory.Robert Hooke
He is the father of microbiology. He was also the first to view bacteria and muscle fibers. He also developed the microscope powerful enough to view sperm for the first time and witnessed the fertilization of an egg.Anton van Leeuwenhoek
He explained the process of fertilization inside the woman's body. It was verified by Antoni van LeeuwenhoekWilliam Harvey
He was the only one who got the concept of heredity more or less right, hence considered to be the father of genetics.Gregor Johann Mendel
The basic concepts of heredity and evolution were explained in the publication of?Charles R. Darwin and Alfred R. Wallace
The process of selection and breeding has taken a new dimension when this person applied these principles to human race to improve the quality of traits.Francis Galton
He is the father of Eugenics, cousin of Charles Darwin.Francis Galton.
The term biotechnology was coined by a Hungarian inventor named?Karl Ereky
He described how technology could be used to transform plants and animals into products more useful than in their natural state.Karl Ereky
He coined the word cell.Robert Hooke
He designed microscope as great as 270 times and was the first person to observe and describe microorganisms which he called "very little animalcules."Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
He discovered the presence of sperm in human and other animals.Anton van Leeuwenhoek
These two introduced the cell theoryMatthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann
He isolated various phosphate-rich chemicals which he called nuclein (now nucleic acids) from the nuclei of white blood cells. It paved the way for the identification of DNA as the carrier of inheritance.Friedrich Miescher
A Russian-born biochemist who discovered that nuclein was a string of nucleotide molecules containing sugar and a base held together with phosphates. He also correctly identified the nucleotides as adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine.Phoebus Levene
He claimed that DNA is the key component of genes and chromosomes.Oswald Avery
These two geneticists verified the claim of Oswald Avery in the Hershey-Chase experiment.Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
These two published “A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid” in the journal, Nature.James D. Watson and Francis Crick
She generated the legendary “photograph 51” using the X-ray diffraction photo, was the first one to reveal DNA’s double-helix structure.Rosalind Franklin
She was known as the dark lady of DNARosalind Franklin
The tetracycline as a large family of generic antibiotics was discovered as natural products by who?Benjamin Minge Duggar
He became popular for the discovery of vaccines for the treatment of rabies, cholera, and anthrax. He discovered the anthrax vaccine and bacteriologic agents for diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid and yellow fever.Louis Pasteur
The first widely manufactured antibiotic which was developed from the mold of the Penicillium notatum was discovered by?Alexander Fleming
These two developed the techniques to produce stable penicillin to treat diseases on a large scale.Ernst Chain and Howard Florey
He discovered the polio vaccine.Jonas Salk
He invented the immunization which ultimately eradicated the smallpox.Edward Jenner
The cloning experiment of these three and their colleagues lead in the era of recombinant DNA technologyHerbet Boyer, Stanley Cohen, and Paul Berg
These two developed a method for nuclear transplantation in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens.Robert Briggs and Thomas King
A pediatric neurologist who was the first one to succeed widescale genetic screening,Michael Kaback
A four-year old who suffered from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). she lacked immunity to such an extent that she could not even stand mild infections.Ashanti DeSilva
A sheep whose germ line contained a genetic construction comprising a human gene plus “promoter”, which caused Tracy's milk glands to produce proteins identical to human ones.Tracy
These two originated the process of in vitro fertilizationRobert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe
The world’s first test tube baby was conceived and born through the in-vitro fertilization process in England in 1978.Louise Brown
These two found a way to produce copies of identical antibody molecules in unlimited amounts.Cesar Milstein and Georges Kohler
These two created the first synthetic drug, AspirinArthur Eichengrun and Felix Hoffman
Exenatide is a medication for the treatment of diabetes. Exenatide is a synthetic version of exendin-4, a hormone found in the saliva of the Gila monster and it was first isolated by?Dr. John Eng
The word hydroponics was coined byProfessor Gericke
Who was the first person who used the term nanotechnology in a lecture entitled "Room at the Bottom" ?Richard Feynman