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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What are lanthanides?Rare earth metals
What are lanthanides?Rare earth metals
Who grouped the elements in triads with similar properties?Dobereiner
Who said that every eighth element beginning from any element resembles the first element in it's physical and chemical properties?Newlands
Who stated that the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic masses?Mendeleev
Who put forth the Modern Periodic table?Henry Moseley
What was the defect in mendeleev's periodic table?Could not explain the positions of rare earth metals and isotopes
What is the modern periodic table based on?Atomic number
Niels Bohr gave what?The long (extended) form of the modern periodic table
What are the most reactive metals?Alkali metals
Which type of elements react with water to give out Hydrogen and their alkaline solutions?Alkalis
What is an alkali?Bases soluble in water
What group do halogens belong to?Group 17
What are the most reactive non metals known as?halogens
Give the typical meaning of the word "halogen"salt formers
What do halogens react with to form salts?Alkali metals or alkaline earth metals
Which element of group 1 is NOT an alkali metal?Hydrogen
Who forms weaker alkalis with water than group 1 elements?Alkaline earth metals
What are elements present in the group 3-12 known as?Transition elements
Which elements have their two outermost shells incomplete?Transition elements
What are chalcogens?ore forming elements
What does a period represent?Number o f shells
What does a group represent?Number of valence electrons
What are lanthanides?Rare earth metals
What are actinides?Radioactive
Elements who summarise the properties of their respective groups are called?Typical elements
What is the cause of periodicity?recurrence of similar electronic configuration
Which elements have same number of valence electrons?Elements of the same group
What happens to number of shells down a group?They increase successfully
What happens to number of shells while moving across a period?The number of shells remain the same
What happens to number of valence electrons while moving across a period?They increase successfully bitch
How are elements arranged in a periodic table?Increasing atomic number
What is nuclear charge?Positive charge present in the atom/protons/electrons
What does an increase in nuclear charge do to the size of an atom?Increases the size of an atom
Why does atomic size increase down a group?Because number of shells increase
Why does atomic size decrease across a period?Because nuclear charge increases
Are the atoms of inert gases bigger or smaller than the halogens?Bigger
Why are the atoms of inert gases bigger?They have maximum electron repulsion
Is the size of an inert gas atom bigger than the alkali metal of the same group?No , go f*ck yourself. :)
What is the size of a cation from the parent atom?always smaller
What is the size of an anion compared to the parent atom?always bigger
What are atoms having the same electronic configuration called?Isoelectronic ions
Elements which have a tendency to lose electrons are called?metals
What effect does atomic size have on metallic character?Increases metallic character
What effect does nuclear charge have on metallic character?Decreases metallic character
Elements which lose electrons to complete their octet are?reducing agents
What happens to metallic character as we move down a group?Metallic character increases
Give one example of a radioactive elementFrancium
What happens to metallic character across a period?Metallic character decreases
How many valence electrons do non metals usually have?5 , 6 or 7
What happens to non metallic character down a groupNon metallic character decreases dumbo
What happens to non metallic character across a period?Non metallic character increases
What happens to oxides across a period?decreasing basic nature and finally become acidic
Which is the least reactive metal in the third period?Silicon
Most reactive metal?Francium
Most reactive non metal?Fluorine
What happens to melting and boiling points of metals going down a group?decreases
What happens to melting and boiling points of non metals going down a group?increases
Energy required to remove an electron from a neutral isolated gaseous atom and convert it into a positively charged gaseous ion?Ionization potential
What is the SI unit of Ionization Potential?kilojoule per mole
How does greater atomic size affect ionization enthalpy?it decreases
How does greater nuclear charge affect ionization enthalpy?it increases
What happens to ionization energy across a period?It increases
What happens to ionization energy down a group?It decreases :)
Why is Ionization energy of Francium not known?cuz it's a radioactive bitch
Who has lowest ionization energy?Caesium
Amount of energy released while converting an atom to anion by addition of electronsElectron affinity
What effect does greater atomic size have on electron affinity?it decreases
what effect does nuclear charge have on electron affinity?It increases with an increase
What happens to electron affinity across a period?it increases
What happens to electron affinity down a group?It decreases
Tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself is called?electronegativity
Who devised the most widely used scale of electronegativity?some Linus freaking pauling
What happens to electronegativity across a period?It increases
What happens to electronegativity down a group?it decreases
Metalloids combine with oxygen to form ____ oxidesamphoteric