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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

めでたい  (目出度い) medetai /-katta/is auspicious (adj) (often in honorific form to mean congratulations to you)
おめでとうございます omedetou gozaimasucongratulations /neutral-polite/
卒業する sotsugyou-surugraduate (from) / retire, move on (from a group. job, etc.) (suru-verb)
思いながら omoinagarawhile thinking
つい tsuiunintentionally; carelessly; by accident
しなければ ・ しなけりゃ(あ) ・ しなきゃ(あ) shinakereba / shinakerya(a) / shinakya(a)unless [someone] does (provided one does not do) [5 variations]
しなければならない shinakereba naranaimust do
お有りでしょう oari deshouprobably have /honorific-polite/
育てる sodateru /-ru; sodateta/bring up, raise (vt)
そだつ sodatsu /-u; sodatta/grow up, be raised (vi)
育てながら . . . 続ける sodatenagara... tsuzukerucontinue . . and, while doing that, bring up[raise] (while raising.. keep/continue to [do sth])
教育 kyouikueducation
受ける ukeru /-ru; uketa/undergo; take (of courses, exams, etc.); receive (vt)
教育を受ける kyouiku wo ukeru[get] an education, be(come) educated
責任 sekininresponsibility
親としての責任 oya to site no sekininresponsibility as a parent
避ける sakeru /-ru; saketa/to avoid (contact with, a situation) / avert, ward off (vt)
もし moshisupposing (coming at beginning of sentence to signal an upcoming hypothetical)
家庭 kateihousehold, the home
katei kyoushihome tutor
仕事か家庭 shigoto ka kateiwork or home
選ぶ erabu /-u; eranda/choose, select; elect (vt)
選ばなければ・選ばなけりゃ(あ)・選ばなきゃ(あ) erabanakereba / erabanakerya(a) / erabanakya(a)unless [someone] chooses (provided one does not choose) [5 variations]
選ばなければならない erábanakèreba naranai / erábanàkereba narânaimust choose ( 2 accent patterns)
選ばなければならなくなる erabanakereba naranaku naru[it] becomes necessary to choose
選ばなければならなくなったら erabanakereba naranaku nattaraif/when it has become necessary to choose
仕事か家庭のどちらか shigoto ka katei no dochira kawork or family (the household), one of the two either one or the other, work or home
見なければ・見なけりゃ(あ)・見なきゃ(あ) minakereba / minakerya(a) / minakya(a)unless [someone] looks at [it] / provided one does not see (full form and 4 variations)
その時になって見なければ sono toki ni natte minakerebaunless [one] looks at [it] when the time has come
ん? n?yeah?
予定 yoteiplan, program, schedule
予定表 yoteihyou(written) schedule
表 hyoutable; chart; (suffix) list
やりなおしてもらう必要 yarinaoshite morau hitsuyounecessity for having [it] redone
そうなると soo naru toif that's the case.., (lit. when/if [it] becoming that way)
頼まなければ・頼まなけりゃ(あ)・頼まなきゃ(あ) tanomanakereba / tanomanakerya(a) / tanomanakya(a)unless [someone] asks for / provided one does not ask for (5 variations)
頼まなきゃいけない tanomanakya ikenaimust ask for (request) [contracted form]
坂本 Sakamoto(family name [bottom/base of the hill])
坂本さんか部長 Sakamoto-san ka buchouMr/s. Sakamoto or the division chief
担当者 tantoushaperson in charge/responsible
担当者のミラーさん tantousha no Miraa-sanMr/s. Miller who is the person in charge
担当する tantou suruto take charge / be in charge / lead
おっしゃるのなら ossharu no naraas long as (it's that) [someone] says /honorific-polite/
飲みながら説明する nominagara setsumei-suruexplain and, while doing that, drink
事情 jijoucircumstances, conditions, the situation
説明すれば・説明すりゃ(あ) setsumei-sureba / setsumei-surya / setsumei-suryaaprovided [someone] explains (3 ways)
納得する nattoku surubecome persuaded or convinced; consent to
納得してくれる nattoku site kurerubecome persuaded (for the benefit of the in-group)
説得する settoku suruto convince (someone)
承認(する) shounin (suru)approve (of); consent to
なら[ば] nara(ba)if it is [to be] /as long as it is
ファックス (fakksu)fax
プレゼン purezen[teeshon]presentation (i.e. at work or school)
データ deetadata
スケジュール sukejuuruschedule
設備 setsubiequipment
親として oyá to shitèas a parent