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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

出かける dekakeru /-ru; dekaketa/go out; set out
お出かけだ odékake dà (dèsu)go out, set out, leave /honorific-polite/ ↑
焼ける yakeru /-ru; yaketa/get burned; get baked; get roasted
焼く yaku /-u; yaita/burn [something]; bake; roast
帽子 boushihat
被る kabûru /-u; kabûtta/put or wear on the head
お帰りだ okáeri dà (dèsu)return home /honorific-polite/ ↑
結婚式 keḱkòn-shikiwedding ceremony
着る kiru /-ru; kita/put or wear on the body (torso or whole outfit)
着ている kite (i)kuwear (to a place) (lit. go, having put on)
着ていくためだ kité (i)ku tamè dait's for the sake of wearing (to a place)
脱ぐ nûgu /-u; nûida/take off (of clothing)
服 fukûclothing
着ていくための服 kité (i)ku tame no fukùclothing for wearing (to a place)
和服 wafukuJapanese-style clothing
洋服 youfukuWestern-style clothing
気に入る ki ni iru /-u; ki ni itta/appeal; like (enters the mind)
見つかる mitsukaru /u; mitsukatta/be(come) found, be(come) discovered
見つける mitsukeru /-ru; mitsuketa/find, locate, turn up [something]
見つからないし mitsúkaranài shiit isn't found and (what is more)
高いし takâi shiit's expensive and (what is more)
諦める akíramèru /-ru; akíramèta/give up, forego; resign oneself to
帰ってくる kâette kurucome back; come home
諦めて帰ってくる akíràmete kaette kurugive up and come back (lit. come back,having given up)
いつもと違う îtsu mo to 'chigaube different from [what is] always [normal]
スーツ sûutsuman's or woman's suit
背広 sebiroman's suit
着ているし kité (i)rù shiis wearing and (what is more)
靴 kutsûshoes
履く haku /-u; haita/put or wear on the feet or legs
履いている haite iru / haite(i)ruto have on (shoes, socks, shorts, pants)
靴も綺麗なのを履いている kutsû mo, kîrei na no [wo] haítè (i)ruas for shoes, too I'll be wearing nice looking ones
パーティーでも pâatii de moparty or something (lit. also/even being a party)
ジャンパー jânpaajumper; windbreaker; jacket
ジーパン jiipanJea(ns)Pan(ts); blue jeans
慣れる narêru /-ru; narêta/become accustomed to
ジーパンに慣れる jiípan ni narèrubecome accustomed to blue jeans
見える miêru /-ru; miêta/appear, seem
違う人に見える chigáu hitò ni miêruappear as if a different person
(お)洒落 [o]shârestylish, dressed-up, fashionable
下駄 getawooden clogs (for out-of-doors)
スリッパー surîppaaslippers worn in the home
草履 zourisandals (for out-of-doors)
スラックス ・ パンツ surâkkusu / pântsupants slacks / 2) pants; (which traditionally only meant panties)
ズボン zubontrousers
シャツ shâtsushirt
ブラウス burâusublouse
下着 shitagiunderwear
ネクタイを締める ・ ネクタイをする nêkutai (wo) shimeru / nêkutai (wo) surutie/fasten/.put on a necktie
スカート sukâatoskirt
ワイシャツ waishatsuman's dress shirt (from whi[te] shirt)
ドレス doresudress
袖 sodêsleeves
半袖 han-sodeshort sleeves
長袖 naga-sodelong sleeves
半パン han-panshorts
手袋 tebukurogloves
ベルト berutobelt
洗濯物 sentaku (mono)laundry, dirty (or just washed) clothes
選択をする sentaku (wo) suruto do the laundry
着 -chakucounter for suits
一着 it-chakuone suit
二着 ni-chakutwo suits
三着 san-chakuthree suits
何着 nanchakuhow many suits?
足 -sokuparis (socks, shoes, etc.)
一足 is-sokuone pair
二足 ni-sokutwo pairs
三足 san-sokuthree pairs
九足 kyuu-sokunine pairs
十足 juu-soku / jis-soku10 pairs (2 ways)
何足 nansoku / nanzokuhow many pairs? (2 ways)
慣らす ・ 馴らす narasu /-su; narashita/accustom, train (one’s ear), tame; domesticate (animal) (vt)
履いている haite (i)ruto have on the feet or legs, be wearing (pants, shoes)
日に焼ける hi ni yakerubecome sunburned
布団を被る futón wo kabùrupull a quilt over one's head
被っていく kabutte (i)kugo wearing (on the head)
手を焼く te wo yaku(exp) have trouble/difficulty with, not know what to do with (lit: burns the hands)
式 shikiceremony (also used as suffix) / 2) (math) equation; formula
十着 jut-chaku / jit-chaku10 suits (2 ways)
靴下 kutsúshitàsocks
下駄箱 getabakoshoe case in entrance of home or school, etc. for storing shoes before entering