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level: PART A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART A

要るもの irú monòa thing [which/that] [someone] needs or wants
時刻表 jikokuhyoutimetable
時刻 jikokutime; the instant
電話帳 denwachoutelephone book
いつも使うの îtsu mo tsukáù noone [someone] always uses
時々 tokídokìsometimes
普通 futsuuordinary, regular, usual
国鉄 kokutetsunational railway (operated railway network from 1947-1987, was privatized and took over by JR)
鉄道 tetsudourailway, railroad
JR線 Jee-aaru(-sen)Japan Railway (Line) (JR)
荷物 nimotsuluggage; things to be carried
田中さんが持ってきた荷物 Tanáka-san ga mottè kita nimotsu / Tanáka-san no mottè kita nimotsuluggage that Mr/s. Tanaka brought
預ける azúkèru /-ru; azûketa/hand over for temporary keeping; check (vt)
預かる azúkàru /-u; azúkàtta/accept for temporary keeping (vi)
預けてあるの azûkete âru noone that has been checked
口座 kouzaa (bank) account
切符 kipputicket
売る uru /-u; utta/sell
一応 ichiouafter a fashion; pretty much / for the time being; (take some action) just in case= (nen no tame ni)
切符を売っているの kiṕpu wo utte (i)rù noone where [someone] is selling tickets
切符売り場 kiṕpu-ùribaticket counter/kiosks
乗車券 joúshàkenpassenger ticket
急行券 kyuúkòukenexpress ticket
特急券 toḱkyùukenspecial express ticket
定期券 ・ 回数券 teíkikèn / kaisuukena commuter pass / multi-use pass
指定席 shitêisekireserved seat
自由席 jiyûusekifree (unreserved) seat
グリーン車 guríìnshagreen car / first class (reserved)
普通(列車)・普通車 futsúu(rèssha) / futsûusharegular train (i.e., a local)
大勢 oózèilarge numbers of people; a crowd
並ぶ narabu /-u; naranda/form a line, get in line (vi)
並べる naraberu /-ru; narabeta/place in line (vt)
大勢並んでいる所 oózei narande (i)ru tokoròplace where many people are lined up
あすこ asuko/reduction from asoko/ over there
千円札 seń’èn-satsul000 yen bill
お金 okânemoney
お札 (o)satua bill (currency)
両替する ryougae-surumake change; exchange (money)
機械 kikâimachine
両替する機会 ryoúgae-suru kikàimachine that makes change
両替機 ryoúgàekimoney-changing machine
課長が着くの kachóu ga tsukù no(the one) when the boss will arrive (at/in)
春 hâruspring
夏 natsûsummer
秋 âkifall, autumn
冬 fuyûwinter
四季 shikithe four seasons
はっきり haḱkìriclear(ly), precise(ly), exact(ly)
はっきりする haḱkìri-surubecome exact
はっきりした時間 haḱkìri-shita jikanexact time
シアトル ShîatoruSeattle
ノースウエスト NoósuuèsutoNorthwest (the airline)
シアトルから来るノースウエスト Shîatoru kara kûru NoósuuèsutoNorthwest that comes from Seattle
X着 X-chàkuarrival from/at X (X = time or place)
迎えに行く mukae ni ikugo to meet/greet
X発 X-hatsudeparture from/at X (X = time or place)
出迎える demukaeru /-ru; demukaeta/ (also demúkaèru)to (go out to) meet, greet, welcome someone (3 accent pattern)
見送る miokuru /-u: miokutta/ (also miókùru)see [someone] off
出る前 dêru mâebefore going out
一回 iḱ-kàione time
聞いてみる kiíte mìrutry asking, ask and see (the results)
十六時五十分着 (juurokuji gojuppun-chaku)a 16:50 arrival (4:50 PM)
さっぱり saṕpàricompletely (forget, etc.)
ごっそり gossoria lot (was lost/stolen)
玉 -damacoin
何玉 (nandama)how many coins?
一円玉 ichiendama1 yen coin
五円玉 goendama5 yen coin
十円玉 juuendama10 yen coin
百円玉 hyakuendama100 yen coin
五百円玉 gohyakuendama500 yen coin
五千円札 gosén’èn-satsu5000 yen bill
一万円札 ichíman’èn-satsu10000 yen bill
回 -kaitimes (counter for occasions)
二回 ni-kâitwice; two times
三回 sán-kàithree times
八回 haḱ-kài / hachí-kàieight times (2 ways)
何回 nân-kaihow many times?
表 hyoutable, chart, list
切手 kitte(postage) stamp
八十円切手 hachijuuen kittean 80-yen stamp
列車 resshatrain (railroad train)
銀行にお金を預ける ginkou ni okane wo azukerudeposit (keep) money in the bank
預金する yokin-surumake a deposit
売り場 uribaselling area; counter; section; department; sales floor