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level: PART B

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART B

木村さんに (Kimura-sañ ni)to Mr/s. Kimura
掛ける kakêru /-ru; kákete/suspend or hang (something onto something)
電話をする、電話を掛ける、電話を入れる (deñwa [wo] suru / deńwa [wo] kakèru / deñwa [wo] ireru)call; make a telephone call (3 WAYS)
掛けた kâketahung, called (on phone), suspended /direct-style perfective/
留守 rûsuabsence from home
留守だった (rûsu datta)was away from home, was out /direct-style perfective/
留守番電話 (rúsubañ dèñwa)answering machine
居留守をする、い留守を使う (rûsu wo suru / irusu wo tsukau)to pretend to be away (by not answering) (2 ways)
あった (âtta / âtta!)was/existed (inanimate object) /direct-style perfective/ (EXP) oh, there it is/was! (finding something you were looking for)
何かあったんだ (nâni ka âtta n da)it's that there was something /direct-style/
出る dêru /-ru; dete/go out, come out, leave (a place)
家を出る、家出る (uchí (wo) dèru)leave home
出た (dêta)went out; left /direct-style perfective/
出たんだ (dêta n da)it's that [I] left
事故 jîkoan accident
火事 kâjia fire (incident, not a controlled fire)
地震 jishiñan earthquake
遅れる okureru /-ru; okurete/become late or delayed
事故で遅れる jîko de okurerubecome late because of an accident
遅れた (okureta)was late /direct-style perfective/
遅れたんだ (okúretà n da)it's that [it] became late /direct-style/
大変 taiheñ /na/terrible, dreadful, serious /na-noun/
大変だった (taíheñ dàtta)it was aweful/terrible /direct style perfective/
大変だったでしょう (taíheñ dàtta deshou)it was probably terrible /distal-style/
joúzù /na/ ojouzu /na/skillful, skilled /na-noun/ (you) are skilled
下駄 hetâ /na/unskillful, poor at (na-noun)
長い nagai /-katta/is long
短い mijikai /-katta/is short /adj/
長いんだ naḡâi ñ dait’s that it’s long
六週間になる rokú-shùukañ ni nârubecome six weeks, get to be six weeks
なるんだ (nâru ñ da)it’s that [it] becomes
そんなに sonna nito that extent; like that
上手になる joúzù ni nârubecome skillful, become skilled
勉強する benkyou-suruto study
来た (kitâ)[I] came /direct-style perfective/
来たんだ (kitâ ñ da)it's that [I] came
して来た (shité kità)I came having done (after doing) /direct-style/
宮地 / 宮寺 Mîyaji(Family name shrine land/temple)
見える miêru /-ru; mîete/appear, show up, sth/sb is visible
(ご)病気 (go)byouki(your) sick; sickness
病気なんだ、ご病気なんだ ([go]byoúki nà ñ da)it’s that [s/he] is sick.
出張 shutchoubusiness trip
出張なんだ (shútchou nà ñ da)it's that it's a business trip
帰るの (kâeru no)a matter of going home
お先に osaki niahead /polite(+)/ (exp) bye! (said when leaving ahead of anyone else in office-casual, missing shitsurei shimasu) (exp) [please] go ahead (said when offering someone to go ahead of you-casual, missing douzo)
早いんだ (hayâi ñ da)it's that it's early or fast
早いんじゃない? (hayâi ñ ja jai?)isn't it the case that it's early?
用事 youjipersonal business; things to do
用事があるの (yoúji ga àru no)a matter of there being things to do /gentle, missing da/
仕事が遅れる (shigoto ga okureru)the work falls behind schedule
大変面白い (taihen omoshiroi)a lot of fun /adv adj/
木村さんに電話をかける Kimúra-san ni denwa wo kakèru[I] will (place/make) a phone call to Mr. Kimura. /direct-style/
遅れてくる okúrete kùruarrive late
上手だ joúzu dà[I] am good at; be/am skilled at (direct-style)
こんなに konna nito this extent; like this
家出 iederunning away from home; elopement; runaway