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level: Group 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 2

Aboundexist in large numbers or amounts
AustereStrict in manner, Having no luxuries, simple unadorned(plain) appearance
BelieFail to fulfill or justify
CapriciousMercurial, Sudden changes in mood
Cerebralof the cerebrum of the brain, Intellectual
CongenialLike-minded, having same taste
conspicuousClearly visible
Cursoryhasty, not thorough about the details
Dauntingdifficult to deal with
Deifyworship or regard as god
DidacticIntended to teach
DisseminateSpread Widely
FloutOpenly disregard
Homogeneousof the same kind, alike
HumdrumLacking excitement or variety
InsipidLacking flavor, tasteless
MisanthropicShowing dislike of others, unsociable
Misnomerinaccurate use of name or designation/term
ObsequiousObedient or attentive
PlacateMake less angry, calm
ProclivityA tendency to choose or do something regularly
PuerileChildishly silly or immature
QuixoticExtremely idealistic, impractical and unrealistic
TaciturnReserved or uncommunicative in speech, untalkative
WaryShowing caution about possible dangers
MoroseIll-tempered, sulky, bad mood, refusing to be cooperative
Adulteraterender poorer in quality by adding another substance, not pure or genuine
AggrandizeIncrease reputation, power, wealth, or status
AlacrityBrisk(active and energetic) and cheerful readiness