Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

   Inicia sesión para empezar

level: Level 1 of Chapter 21

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 21

tenebrousshadowy and obscure
halycona period that is happy and peaceful
scotchedput an end to
frangiblebrittle; fragile
extraneousirrelevant to subject at hand
germanerelevant to the subject under consideration
conflagrationdestroyed by fire
nugatoryof no importance
squaliddirty and unpleasant
vituperationbitter and abusive language
argotjargon of a particular group of people
explicateanalyze and develop an idea
pleonasticusing more words than necessary
jejunesimplistic and naive
polemicalinvolving criticizing or disputatious writing
disparatedifferent in kind
occlusionblocking or closing
reprobatesunprincipled person
bromidesunoriginal idea meant to placate
vassalperson in a subordinate position
inerrantincapable of being wrong
tenebrousshadowy and obscure