Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

   Inicia sesión para empezar

level: Level 1 of Chapter 18

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 18

ingurgitateswallow greedily
importuneharass someone persistently
inculcateinstill an idea by persistent instruction
potentatesautocratic ruler
profligatepromiscuous person
neophytea person new to a subject or skill
hubrisexcessive pride
pellucidityeasy to understand
ripostea quick and witty reply
protractedlasting longer than expected
alleviatemake less severe
peregrinationsa long meandering journey
prolixexcessively long
innocuousnot harmful
subornbribe someone
adumbrationvague foretelling
invectivehighly insulting language
canthypocritical talk
effusiveexpressing feelings of gratitude
flocculenthaving a loose texture
atrophiesage; wasted away
obfuscationmake something unclear
redolentstrong reminiscent/suggestive of
reconditelittle known
limpidcompletely clear
ossifiedhaving turned into bone
estimableworthy of great respect
tribulationgreat deal of suffering
augustrespected and impressive
mephiticfoul smelling
atavisticreversion to something ancient