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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

I have difficulty...memorizing new vocabulary in English.
My sister has some problems...reading without her glasses.
I had no difficulty...remembering their names.
They will have problems...negotiating the deal.
Debora is having a hard time...accepting her new working schedule.
I had some difficulty...explaining the situation to my friend.
My neighbor had trouble...finding a pediatrician for her baby.
Nina is having some problems...adapting to her new diet.
Sometimes I have difficulty...expressing myself in English.
We had a difficult time...arriving in Curaçao after missing our conection flight.
Did you have any difficulty...finding my place?
I have difficulty...understanding what people ask me during conference calls.
Debora and I had some problems...agreeing with the hotel people in Curaçao.
I've always had problems...finding comfortable shoes.
I had no trouble...getting a good night sleep last night.
She had an easy time...convincing everyone to buy her products.
Our friends and families had a great time...celebrating our wedding with us.
We had a lot of fun...sightseeing in our honeymoon.
My family and I had a wonderful time...going to the beach last weekend.
Nina and Lili had a good time...playing with the other dogs in the park yesterday.