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level: Level 1 of Driving Safely

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Driving Safely

What happens when you double your speed?When you double the speed of a car, you increase its force of impact four times.
What happens when you triple your speed of the car?When you triple the speed of a car, you increase its force of impact nine times
is the speeding buffer true?The “speeding bufer” is a myth; you are not “allowed” to drive up to 10 MPH over the speed limit. you are responsible for knowing the speed limit when you are driving
What is the speeding limit for school zones?2O mph
What is the speeding limit for Municipal, Business, or Residential Area ?30mph
What is the speeding limit for Streets and Highways ?55mph
What is the speeding limit for Limited Access Highways ?70mph
Important:The safest speed is the one that allows you to have complete control of your vehicle and avoid collisions.
What is Perception Distance?Perception Distance: how far your vehicle travels—in favorable weather conditions—from the time your eyes see a hazard until your brain recognizes it.
What can affect Perception Distance?Perception distance can be afected by mental and physical conditions, medication, as well as visibility and the hazard itself. The average perception time for an alert driver is ¾ second to 1 second.
What is Reaction Distance?how far you will continue to travel after seeing the hazard until you physically hit the brakes. The average driver has a reaction time of ¾ second to 1 second. At 50 MPH, this accounts for 55 feet traveled.
Important:Doubling the speed means the braking distance and impact are 4 times greater. • Tripling the speed means the braking distance and impact are 9 times greater. (Stopping distance is equal to a football field.) • Quadrupling the speed means the braking distance and impact are 16 times greater.
What is Total Stopping Distance?the total minimum distance your vehicle will travel— including perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance—until you can bring your vehicle to a complete stop. At 50 MPH, you will travel a minimum of 268 feet...nearly the length of a football field
What is required by law when changing lanes?Turn signals are also required by law when changing lanes or overtaking a vehicle.
While turning to a corner you should...Slow down to a safe turning speed.
Which direction do roundabout travelers go in?Roundabouts travel in a one-way counter-clockwise direction.
What do Red Reflectors mean?Red reflectors on lane lines always mean distance in these situations: you are facing traffic the wrong way and could have a head-on collision.
What should you do before you pass someone?You must activate your signal before moving into the left lane to let others know that you are about to change lanes to pass.
Passing on the right?Passing on the right is only legal when there are two or more lanes of trafic moving in the same direction or the vehicle you are passing is making a lef turn
Downhill where to position your tires...?Turn wheels to the curb
Uphill with Curb where to position your tires?Turn wheels from curb
Uphill with no curb where to position your tires?Turn wheels to the right
Against the law to park15 feet of a fire hydrant. ◆20 feet of an intersection. ◆20 feet of the entrance to a fire, ambulance, or rescue station. ◆30 feet of a rural mail box on a state highway (8 am–6 pm). ◆30 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, or trafic signal. ◆50 feet of a railroad crossing
How much clearance should you give bicyclist?Minimum of three feet
when do you not have to stop for a bus signalOnly if there is a barrier 5 feet wide but use caution either way
What to do When children or school crossing guards are present in a crosswalk?you must yield and stop at the stop line and not in the crosswalk.
When do you need to use headlights?Between the hours of sunset and sunrise
When should you not use high beams?Not use high beam headlights within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle; use low beam headlights. Not use high beam headlights within 300 feet of the vehicle ahead of you; use low beam headlights.
When should hazard lights be used?Flashing hazard lights must only be used while your vehicle is legally stopped or disabled on the highway or shoulder. (exception: funeral processions)
What light should you use in fog?Low beam
What to do to reduce risks of colliding with an animal?Be extra alert when driving on roadways marked with animal crossing signs and near woods and water.
What is the length of suspension when you earn 12 points within a 12 month period?30 days
What is the length of suspension when you earn 18 points within a 18 month period?3 months
What is the length of suspension when you earn 24 points within a 36 month period?1 year
What does a suspended license mean?(temporary withdrawal of driving privilege
What does it mean when your license is revoked?termination of driving privilege