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level: Present continuous - YES/NO QUESTIONS

Questions and Answers List

Answer the questions about the pictures you see

level questions: Present continuous - YES/NO QUESTIONS

Are they swimming?No, they aren't. They're running.
Is she sewing?Yes, she is.
Is this little boy yawning?No, he's not. He's brushing his teeth.
Is this little girl crying?No, she isn't. She's eating.
Is this woman driving?No, she isn't. She's talking on the phone.
Is this family fishing?No, they aren't. They're riding a bike.
Is this guy playing the piano?No, he isn't. He's playing the guitar.
Is this lady knitting?Yes, she is.
Is the baby crying?No, he isn't. He's sleeping.
Are these kids playing video games?Yes, they are.
Is this guy working out?Yes, he is.
Is this woman doing the laundry?No, she isn't. She's mopping the floor.
Is this couple doing the dishes?No, they're not. They're cooking.
Is this little girl singing?No, she isn't. She's listening to music.
Is this guy laughing?Yes, he is.
Is this little girl smelling a flower?No, she isn't. She's reading.
Is this man taking a shower?Yes, he is.
Is the dog eating?No, it isn't. It's playing with a ball.
Is this man working on the computer?Yes, he is.
Are these kids watching TV?Yes, they are.