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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What is Holistic Health Carean all-inclusive approach to health care (physical, spiritual, emotional, social, economical)
What is wellness-illness continuum?The range of a persons total health
What is the health care system?a network of providers, agencies, facility, and providers involved in healthcare in a specified geographic area
Define illnessabnormal process in which aspects of social, emotional, or intellectual condition and function of a person are diminished or impaired
What did Florence Nightingale change in 1860reformed nursing from occupation to profession by establishing a nursing school in London
What is the Nightingale Plannursing education of the 20th century which was formed by Florence nightingale which included formal traning and education (training lasted 1 year and complete records were kept on each student progress and place of employment)
define Licensure?granting of permission by the overseeing authorities to engage in practice or activity that would otherwise be illegal.
What is IMO?Institute Of Medicine
In what year was LVN/LPN recognized as apart of the professional nursing team?2014
what satisfies the minimum standards set by the state agency responsible for overseeing educational programs?Approved Programs
define accreditationa higher standard that signifies the accrediting organization has judged that a program has met its preestablished criteria
what is the term that allows nursing programs to plan their curricula collaboratively to prevent duplicate learning?Articulation
define portfolioorganized account of education and professional accomplishments
what year did all states join the momentum and required testing and licensure for entry of practice1950
define wellnessstate of health when a individual progresses toward a higher level of functioning( a balance between internal and external environment)
what is manslow's hierarchy?an attempt to meet essential human needs such as psychological, safety and security, love and belongingness, and esteem and self- acculiazation
Name three levels of healthprimary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention
define primary preventionattempt to avoid disease through wellness activities and screening programs
define secondary preventionrecognizes diseases and attempt to reduce impact of the conditions by promoting health
define tertiary preventionsserious health problems seeking for a way to reduce further loss of function and improve quality of life
what is a licensure membersCertification
What is COCA!Color, Odor, Consistency, Amount
what is a dirty over crowded facility in the 19th centuryPesthouses
What is ADPIE?Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning and outcome identification, Implement, Evaluate
what are the ranges for BP100-130/60-80
pulse range?60-100
Respiration range?12-80
o2 sat range95%-100%
pain scale range?0 no pain at all 10 being the worst pain you ever felt
what is PHI?Protected Health Information
Who was a pioneer crusader for elevation of standards of care for the mentally illDorthea Dix (1802-1887)
Who is Clara Barton?developer of the Red Cross (1821-1912)
who was one of the greatest nurse heroines of the civil war (1817-1901)Mary Ann Ball
Who is Linda Richards (1841-1930)The first trained nurse in America.
Who organized the first graded system of theory and practice in the school of nursing?Isabel Hampton Robb (1859-1910)
Who is Lavina Dock?responsible with Robb for National League of Education
Who is Mary Eliza Mahoney (1845-1926)?Graduated in 1879 becoming the First African American nurse, she fought for acceptance of African American nurses!
NAPNESNational Association of Practical Nurse Education
ANAAmerican Nurses Association
Manslows HierarchyPhysiologic, Safety and Security, Love and Belongingness, Esteem, Self-Actualization
DortheaCrusader, mentally ill
ClaraRed Cross
BallChampioned, Civil war
LindaFirst trained, America