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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Greek and _____ are the languages from which most medical terms are originally derived.Latin
The plural form of spermatozoon is _____.spermatozoa
The singular of septa is ___.septum
The word part -logy, highlighted here in the word neonatology, is a/n ___.suffix
In the highlighted letters below, NAT makes up the _____, or main body, of the term neonatology.word root
The plural of cervix is ___.cervices
The plural form of bronchus is _____.bronchi
The abbreviation that means immediately is _____.stat
Which of the word parts below is a prefix?There is no prefix.
The heart valve with two cusps is shown on the right of the image below. This is the _____cuspid valve.bicuspid
The procedure used to capture this image of a fetus employs sound that is beyond the range of human hearing; for that reason, this image is commonly called a/n ___.ultrasound
This ECG shows evidence of ___, an abnormally fast heartbeat.tachycardia
In physical therapy, Janine learned a strengthening exercise, which uses a movement called ___ to propel the leg straight out to the side, away from the midline of the body.abduction
Slow breathing is termed _____.bradypnea
Postnasal refers to the area _____ the nose.behind
A tripara is a woman who has borne _____ children.three
Inflammation of the tissue adjacent to or near the appendix is calledpara-appendicitis
Abnormal slowness of speech is called:bradyphasia
Hypoparathyroidism is _____ the parathyroids.below-normal secretion of
A term that means able to live without oxygen is:anaerobic
Which of the following terms contains a word part that means yellow?xanthosis
A fever-producing agent is called a:pyrogen
Painful or difficult movement is:dyskinesia
Surgical crushing of a stone is:lithotripsy
Cephalometry is:measurement of the head
Unusual sensitivity of the eyes to light is:photophobia
A term for a white blood cell is:leukocyte
The term for an instrument used to record the electrical impulses of the brain is:electroencephalograph
A term that means originating in the mind is:psychogenic
Aphonia is:absence or loss of voice
A serious condition in which the body temperature is greatly elevated because of retention of body heat is called:hyperthermia
Macrocephaly means:enlarged head
Tachycardia means:increased pulse rate
A term that means the production or origin of cancer is:carcinogenesis
The term that means an individual with congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes is:albino
A condition in which deficiency of oxygen results in a slightly bluish, slatelike color of the skin is:cyanosis
You have a patient who brings her legs toward the middle of the body. Which term best describes this movement?adduction
A 42-year-old man has strength that is the same in both legs. The term that best describes this is:bilateral
A women who has just given birth is considered to be:postpartum
You are interested in purchasing a new pair of glasses. Which professional specializes in the filling and adapting of prescriptions and products for vision?optician
Severe weakness in the arms, trunk, and legs in a patient with a spinal cord injury is recorded as:quadriplegia
A newborn has a condition that is causing his skin to appear yellow. This is referred to as:jaundice
Difficult speech is referred to as _____.dysphasia
Excessive thirst is a condition known as _____.polydipsia
Suture of a blood vessel is called:angiorrhaphy
Pain along the course of a nerve is called:neuralgia
Protrusion of all or part of an organ through the wall of a cavity that contains it is called:a hernia
A term that means stretching of a structure is:dilatation
The presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissues that results in swelling is called:edema
Prolapse means:sagging
A word that is also a suffix that means stopping or controlling is:stasis
Surgical repair of the eye is:ophthalmoplasty
A surgical procedure in which the colon is sutured to the abdominal wall is:colopexy
A term that means vomiting is:emesis
The branch of medicine concerned with the administration of drugs or agents that produce loss of feeling is:anesthesiology
The physician who specializes in intestinal and gastric disorders is a:gastroenterologist
A term that means uniting a wound by stitches is:suture
Herniation of the brain through an opening in the skull is called:encephalocele
Calcipenia means:deficiency of calcium in the body
The medical specialty that studies the nature and cause of disease is:pathology
A term that means pertaining to the ear is:otic
A drug or agent that is capable of producing a complete or total loss of feeling is called an:anesthetic
A medical specialty that is particularly concerned with malignant tumors and their treatment is called:oncology
A term that means excessive vomiting is:hyperemesis
Formation of a new opening in the colon is called:colostomy
Excision of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination is called:biopsy
An instrument for incising brain tissue is a(n):encephalotome
A patient is being seen in the emergency department. The physician orders an x-ray of the patient’s arm. Which department specializes in x-rays?radiology
A physician who specializes in working with only newborns up to 28 days old is called a(n):neonatologist
A patient presents with complaints of muscle pain. The proper term for this is:myalgia
The history of your patient lists osteomalacia. You understand that your patient has:softening of bones
A patient who has a surgical procedure to create a new opening in the windpipe has had a:tracheostomy
While completing a chart review, you note that your patient currently has inflammation of a vein. Which term best describes this condition?phlebitis
Ear inflammation is termed _____.otitis
Removal of the tonsils is a(n) _____.tonsillectomy