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level: Sound Spot

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Sound Spot

Tricky sounds (Easy)Which of these words do not belong in this group? tie/lie/might/tissue/file
Tricky sounds (Hard)Answer the question: What is not permitted? Listen to the passage.
Stress and intonation (Easy)Choose the statement that is FALSE. Listen to the passage. a. She's talking about the kinds of parties she likes. b. She likes other kinds too. c. She likes only these kinds of parties.
Stress and intonation (Hard)Which words should be focused on in this sentence to highlight the comparison? Stress is about highlighting the main ideas, while intonation lets people know what your feelings and intentions are.
Reading challenge (Easy)Read it out loud: I may one day lay here and stand still, but it is not today. Let's party!
Reading challenge (Hard)Read it out loud: Cheer up! The chairman said there's nothing to fear. All's clear and he will be fair.