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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

WHAT IS PLANT PHYSIOLOGY?According to Salisbury & Ross (1992), plant physiology is a study of plant functions and behaviors, encompassing all the dynamic processes of growth, metabolism, reproduction, defense and communication that account for plants being alive
VIOLET AND BLUE ARE VISIBLE SPECTRUM OF SOLAR RADIATIONS THAT PRIMARILY ABSORB BY CAROTENOIDS OF HIGHER PLANT. IS THIS STATEMENT TRUE OR FALSE?True because carotenoids of higher plants are fat soluble compound that includes carotenes and xanotrophylls which mostly absorb violet and blue light range
THE MOVEMENT OF AUXIN IS MOSTLY IN BASIPETAL. TRUE OR FALSE?True. Auxin moves mainly from the apical to the basal end (basipetally). This type of unidirectional transport is termed polar transport. Auxin is the only plant growth hormone known to be transported polarly
PHYTOCHROME BECOME ACTIVE IN RED, GREEN AND BLUE LIGHT. IT IS TRUE OR FALSE?False. Phytochrome occurs in 2 forms, red light (PR) and far red light (PFR) which both are interconvertible
WHICH PROCESS DOES PHYTOCHROME INVOLVED?It is involved in processes called as photoperiodism which the phytochrome mediates several developmental and morphogenetic responses of plants to light
WHEN DOES THE CARBON DIOXIDE JOINS THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY?During dark reactions through a few steps such as carbon fixations, reduction of carbon dioxide and synthesis of other compound from glucose
WHICH PIGMENT THAT ABSORBS RED LIGHT AND FAR RED LIGHT?A photoreceptive pigment known as Phytochrome that has light absorbing and detecting portion attach to small protein
IN CHLOROPLAST, WHERE DOES THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS CAN BE FOUND?In thylakoids membrane of chloroplasts which sacs like structe formed by grana lamellae
DURING CARBON FIXATION, IN WHICH CELL DOES THE MALIC ACID ARE FORMED?Malic acid are converted from oxaloacetic acid in the mesophyll cell
WHAT ENZYMES WERE THE PHOTOTROPHIC AND GEOTROPHIC MOVEMENTS ARE LINKED TO?Auxins because it regulates in plant growth by promote the elongation of stem and coleoptile
HOW DOES THE MINERALS ABSORBED BY ROOT MOVE TO THE LEAF?Through xylem by process known as ascent of sap where the water moves upwards and minerals were absorbed by roots move toward leaves
HOW TO REMAIN THE GREEN COLOUR OF THE CUT OR EXERCISED LEAVES FOR A LONG TIME?Induced to the root or dipped in the cytokinin which act as plant growth hormones by induce the formation of new leaves chloroplasts in heaves
WHY DOES THE MAGNESIUM IS IMPORTANT TO PLANT?It is an important constituent of chlorophyll as Magnesium atom is present in the center of porphyrin head, it is like tennis racket and needed in chlorophyll synthesis
NAME ONE ELEMENT THAT ALMOST NONESSENTIAL FOR PLANTS OTHERS THAN 16 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS.Na because it involved in membrane permeability but its essentiality has not been proved
ELONGATION OF INTERNODES WILL INCREASE IN THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT. EXPLAIN.Stem elongation takes place in the absence of light due to etiolation. But uptake of minerals and water and ascent of sap all this process are related to photosynthesis which takes place only in the presence of light