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level: Miscellaneous lesions

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Miscellaneous lesions

An ectopic condition of sebacous glands occuring on oral mucosa appearing as pinhead sized papules on buccal mucosa or lips.Fordyce granules The differential diagnosis is Koplic spots of measels,molluscum contagiosum,lichen nitidus
An early characteristics of measles presenting as spots that look like a tiny grains of white sand, each surrounded by a red ring on buccal mucosa.Koplik spots of measles. The differential diagnosis is apthous ulcers,fordyce granules,Parvovirus B19
A inflammatory condition that causes a map-like pattern to appear on the tongue.Geographic tongue The differential diagnosis is psoriasis,oral lichenoid reaction,reiters syndrome.
A condition exhibiting marked proliferation of filiform papillae and accumulation of keratin resulting in hair like appearance on the dorsal of the tongue.Hairy tongue The differential diagnosis is candida,leukoplakia