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level: extras

Questions and Answers List

level questions: extras

Explain why south and east england lack glaciated landscapesThis is because during the last glacial period, ice has covered the UK above the south and east of england so the ice only eroded the and deposited the material above the south and east of england. This is why the south and east of england lack glaciated landscapes.
Evaluate the impact of management on your costal landscapeDorset swanage bay Swanage beach is victim to to erosion putting people and properties at risk. Costal management strategies have been put in place to control this. 1)The first are the gyrone placed in 2005-6 - wooden or stone fences built at right angles to the coast. 2)They trap the material transported by longshore drift creating wider beaches slowing waves 3)environmental - stopped loss of beach material but starved other parts of the coast making them narrower economic - gyrones are not that expensive only costing around £10,000 each, however they require maintainance social - gyrones are unnatractive to tourists and they may detter them from visiting beaches 1)The second one is sea wall - concrete sea walls placed across most of swanage beach 2) reflect waves back out to sea preventing erosion of coast but can create strong backwashe eroding under the wall 3)environmental - they can destroy habitats through scarring which causes waves to damage unprotected areas economic - they are very expensive costing £6million per kilometre to construct but require little maintainance social - they are also unattractive dettering tourists
Acivaes that release stuffFarming livestock and rice paddies emit lots of methane which is a greenhouse gas. Burning fossil fuels also releases a greenhouse gas called carbon dioxide. Deforrestation releases the trapped carbon dioxide in treees aswell.Emmiting more greenhouses gasses enhance the greenhouse effect as they absorb and reradiate infrared radiation from the sun back to earth increasing global temperature. Temperatures are expected to rise by 0.3-4.8 meaning some habitats will be destroyed therefore causing animals such as certain bat species to become extinct. Furthermore precipitatioin patterns will change causing certain species to immigrate from lower to higher lattitudes. Sea temperature it is expected to rise from 12-76cm by 2095 destroying habitats that exist near coasts. This will cause in a rapid increase in coastal errosion leading to the economic impact of more money spent on coastal defence schemes. Another economic impact is more money spent on predicting extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. Also certain plants such as maize crops have gotten smaller due to the warming in the current years. Social impacts of climate change include the increase in wild fires putting some peoples lives at risk due to the destruction of homes. Some areas may become hot and dry causing them to be inhabitable leading to mass migration and therefore overcrowding. Low crop yields can also increase malnutrition, ill health and death from starvation.
Describe the human activity in the arctic ecosystem1)Commercail fishing takes place in the Arctic ecosystem and causes heavy overfishing threatening species and destroying the biodiversity 2) environmental -In antarctica the patagonian toothfish has been fished to near extinction, furthermore overfishing produces waste such as fishing equipment which accounts for over 50% of the oceans plastic waste 3) economic - fishing is a very lucrative industry abd gas a tremendous impact on antarctic countries gdp 1)mineral extraction has been taken place in the arctic in places such as alaska due to its rich oil reserves 2) environmental - risk of oil spills which kill wildlife and are difficult to clean, extracting minerals produces pollution damaging ecosystems in the surrounding area 3) economic - minerals are incredibly highly demanded, it provides job opportunities and increases the countries gdp.