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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Describe how the clinical trials should be carried out.1) live skin cells grown in lab - tests efficacy and side effects 2) animals - moniters side effects 3) healthy volunteers - safety 4) ill patients - ensure safety, if it works, gradualy increase until optimum dosage
Describe the effects of liver failure on the human body.THESE 4 KEY PROCESSES WONT BE ABLE TO OCCUR: 1) Deammination - ammonia is broken down to urea to be excreted 2) Detoxification - ethanol is detoxified in the liver 3) Bile - Liver contains bile wich emulsifies fats, without this it will take longer to break down 4) Glucose - glycogen
What type of defence are thornsMechanical
What type of defence are poisoness berries?Chemical
Test for glucose.1)5cm3 - 10 drops benidict 2)75degrees 5 minutes pointing away 3)blue-green-yellow-brick red
Test for starch.1)5cm3 - few drops iodine 2)gently shake 3)browny orange-blue black
3 stages of cell cycle.1) cell grows, subcellular structures dubplicate, dna duplicates and forms x shaped chromosomes 2)mitosis, chromosomes line up at centre of cell and fibres pull them apart, two arms of each chromosome go on opposite ends, membranes form around them forming 2 nuclei 3)then cytoplasm and cell membrane divide