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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

a soft green or grey growth which develops on old food or on objects that have been left for too long in warm wet airMOULD
companies that produce manufactured goodsManufacturers
a group of things or people dealt with at the same time or considered similar in typebatch
to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a productLaunch
to make something less pure or make it poisonouscontaminate
used to refer to cows that are used for producing milk, rather than meat, or to foods which are made from milk, such as cream, butter and cheesedairy
long or longer than usualextended
a set of similar thingsrange
someone who is chosen by a group or organization to speak officially to the public for themspokesman
to say that someone is similar to or has the same qualities as someone elseliken sb to sth
describes a very strong smell or taste, sometimes one that is unpleasantly strongpungent
a smell, often one that is unpleasantodor
to cause something, usually a solid substance, to absorb something, usually a liquidimpregnate
contentseverything that is contained within something
to take or move out or back, or to removewithdraw
an action which is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happeningprecaution
something that makes you feel better when you have suffered something badcompensation
to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that the matter is finisheddispose of sb/sth
a date printed on a product such as food after which it should not be soldsell by date
to stop somethingcease
to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truthinvestigate
infected by bacteria which produce pusseptic
a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasantoutbreak
to find someone or something that was losttrace
to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or roughscratch
to stop using or doinglay off sth
describes food which has been treated with chemicals that preserve it or give it extra taste or colourprocessed
a good reason or explanation for somethingjustification
a person who is blamed for something that someone else has donescapegoat
making you believe something that is not truedeceptive
working secretly using a false appearance in order to get information for the police or governmentundercover
to searchtrawl
a person, shop or business that sells goods to the publicretailers
Something which is enticing attracts you to it by offering you advantages or pleasureenticing
to cause someone to believe something that is not truemislead
someone who has done something wrongculprits
a type of large tree which grows in northern areas of the world, or the wood of this treemaple
a very sweet, thick, light-coloured liquid made by dissolving sugar in watersyrup
changed from the usual, original, natural or intended formdistorted
facts that can be used to support an argumentammunition
to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or customflout
to make you extremely angrymake your blood boil