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level: Imperfect, Present, Future: conj 1, 2, 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Imperfect, Present, Future: conj 1, 2, 3

i will loveamabo
we aresumus
he called, he was callingvocabat
you givedas
you will leadagetis
we createcreamus
they saveservant
you all ledagebatis
I was ablepoteram
we were ablepoteramus
you ledagebas
they will leadagent
we will leadagemus
he remainedremanebat
Praise! (pl)laudate
they learndiscunt
I amsum
we will beerimus
he callsvocat
he waserat
they teachdocent
they leadagunt
we will conquervincemus
he is ablepotest
they will loveamabunt
you are ablepotes
to be ableposse
I ledagebam
they daredaudebant
I will beero
we leadagimus
you were ablepoteras
to beesse
they wereerant
we wereeramus
he ledagebat
he will leadducet
you will enduresustenebis
he will faultculpabit
I waseram
he carries awaydeportat
to conquervincere
he will beeriit
I havehabeo
you all leadagitis
they ledagebant
you all will be ablepoteritis
he leadsagit
they thinkcogitant
they feartiment
it isest
they are eager forstudent
he will learndocet
you all thinkcogitatis
you will beeris
I will leadagam
you will leadages
I will loveamabo
I am ablepossum
they were ablepoterant
they aresunt
you leadagis
to be wellvalere
you wereeras
we sinpeccamus
they hateoderunt
they givedant
they will remainmanebunt
we will be ablepoterimus
you all areestis
you all wereeratis
I leadago
I am wellvaleo
to tastegustare
we seevidemus
we ought to; we shoulddebemus
he will leadaget
I will givedabo
wou will be ablepoteris
I will havehabebo
I singcanto
he is in needeget
you arees
he was ablepoterat
he dragstrahit
you all will beeritis
I will be ablepotero
you praiselaudas
he will be ablepoterit
you all sawvidebatis
we ledagebamus
they will beerunt
he fliesvolat
you rejectrecusas