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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What are the ingredients, goldilocks conditions, and emergent properties for Threshold 6Powerful brains, precise and versatile symbolic language, interactions between individuals and between community's. Homo sapiens, connecting with each other in new ways, adapting to their environment with out changing genetically, passing information from generation to generation.
Is Threshold 6 more or less complex than Threshold 5no the fifth threshold was maybe the most complex of all the thresholds because in that threshold life and free will were created and that requires a lot of complex things working at once in your brain and your body in the sixth threshold is when humans evolved and started learning collectively.
What is Collective Learning? What are its components? Why is it significantcollective learning is important because if not than humans could not express themselves and that was critical to keep alive and keep building their enterprise in the race to conquer the earth.
List and explain 2-3 pieces of evidence that make us believe Homo Sapiens developed this abilitywell, the signs prove that homo sapiens travelled in groups and must have some form of communication to indicate peace, get along or work together in general.
What role does brain size play in determining the complexity of an organism?the brain is a very complex organ it has multipule diffrent parts to it
What are the differences and similarities between Archaeology and Anthropology?Anthropology focuses on the cultural, social and biological diversity of human groups in the present, historic and prehistoric past. Archaeology examines past cultures through the recovery and reconstruction of material remains. Archaeology is also related to biological anthropology in its use of the same methods in excavating and analyzing human skeletal remains found in archaeological sites.