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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Name a distilling SB varietySassy
Name 2 brewing SB varietiesPropino, planet
What are the two types of conventional barley?2 and 6 row
Name a conventional feed barley varietyOrwell
Name a hybrid barley varietyKingsbarn
What moisture must forage barley for crimping be harvested at?35%
What N quantity should be applied to SB?120kg/ha
What grain N should be targeted for malting? When should N be applied to prevent grain N excess?1.8, mid March
What additional authorisation body must approve malting barley PPPs (fungicides) as they affect yeast?BBPA and BRI
What fungicide is most important to yield building in WB? How much yield is built?T1, 60%
What are advantages of a 6 row variety?Higher yield potential, more vigorous
What are disadvantages of 6 row variety?Smaller grains so higher volunteer issue, taller straw, expensive seed
What seed treatments are available for Barley seed bourne diseases?Rancona Imix
When should WB be sown?Mid September - mid October
What are the dangers of drilling too early?Early vernalisation and ear damage
What are the dangers of drilling to late?loss of tillering
What is the optimum plant population in spring?300 plants/m2
What is the optimum seed depth?25mm
What is barley more sensitive to compared to wheat?waterlogging and hard winters
When is the optimum N application timing in WB?half at late tillering (February) and half at GS30-31
Why specifically is barley more competitive against BG than wheat?Root mass outcompetes BG
What are Pre-em options for Barley?Pendimethalin, Flufenacet, Diflufenican, Prosulfocarb, triallate
What post-em product can be used to control wild oats, ryegrass and blackgrass?Pinoxaden
How can you justify BG control with Axial Pro?If it is used as part of an integrated control strategy
What pre-em herbicide is good on ryegrass control?Prosulfocarb
What pre-em herbicides are good for control of brome in barley?Triallate, flufenacet and dff
What products can be used to control powdery mildew in the autumn?Cyflufenamid
What are the main diseases of barley in the UK?Rynchosporium, ramularia, net blotch, powdery mildew, brown rust, leaf stripe
How is rynchosporium spread? What are high risk conditions?Rain splash, wet warm climates
What are high risk conditions for powdery mildew?Mild autumns
What are high risk conditions for net blotch?Inoculum builds up overwinter and flares during warm humid spring
What yield loss can be experienced through Ramularia infection?10-15%
When is T0 for Barley? What might you apply and to control what?GS25-29, tebuconazole, azoxystrobin, cyflufenamid, powdery mildew, brown rust and overwintering net blotch inoculum
When is T1 for Barley, what might you apply and to control what?GS30-32, prothioconazole and bixafen, net blotch, rynchosporium, brown rust
When is T2 for Barley, what might you apply and to control what?GS39-49, prothioconazole and bixafen or revystar, ramularia, rynchosporium, net blotch, loose smut, fusarium
When should the first PGR be applied, why and what products?GS30-32, encourage tillering and reduce lodging risk, chlormequat and trinexapac-methyl
What is the risk to the early PGR applications?Sudden cold weather, can scorch the crop
What is another early PGR that can be applied, why and what products?GS30-39, stem thickening, reduce lodging, chlormequat and mepiquat, more effective at lower temperatures and kinder on crop
What is the cut off for PGR use?When boot has split and ears are visible or temperature is >21 degrees
When is the late (second) PGR to be applied to barley, why and what product might be used?GS32-49, stem thickening, reduce lodging and brackling of ears, Terpal
What BLW post-em herbicides are available in barley to be applied in the spring?Amidosulphuron, thifensulfuron, metsulphuron, Fluroxypyr, florasulam, mecoprop
What is the SB sowing timing?Late December - mid May
Why is it beneficial to sow SB early?Maximise yield and dilute N to achieve lower grain N
What is the target plant population for SB?30 plants/m2
What is the bet seed treatment for SB, what are the actives and what does it protect against?Redigo pro, prothioconazole and tebuconazole, seed bourne diseases
What is the general rule for N in SB?Later the crop is sown, earlier the N is applied
What must manganese not be tank mixed with?Hormone herbicides
What can be done to the same fungicides in SB as used in WB and why?Reduced rates as less persistence is required
What fungicide is most important in SB? If a single spray programme is selected due to low risk when should this be applied?T2, GS39-49
What Pre-em herbicides can be used in SB?Pendimethalin, Prossulfocarb (EAMU), Liberator (EAMU)
What Post-em grassweed herbicides can be used in SB? What is the cut off?Axial pro, GS37
What SB herbicides groups are available to control BLW?SU's, hormones, Fluroxypyr, flurasulam