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level: Term Definition

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level questions: Term Definition

Alveolarpertaining to the air sacs
Bronchiectasisexpansion of bronchial tube
Bronchitisinflammation of bronchial tube
Bronchospasmsudden involuntary contraction of bronchial tube muscles
Bronchoscopyvisual examination of bronchial tube
Bronchiolitisinflammation of bronchioles
Capnographinstrument to record carbon dioxide (CO2)
Hypercapniacondition of excessive carbon dioxide (CO2)
Hypocapniacondition of a deficiency of carbon dioxide (CO2)
Cynosisabnormal condition of blue color
Diaphragmatic; Phrenicpertaining to the diaphragm
Epiglottitisinflammation of epiglottis
Hemoptysisspitting blood
Hemothoraxblood in the chest
Laryngealpertaining tot he voice box
Laryngitisinflammation of the voice box
Laryngoscopyvisual examination of the voice box
Laryngospasmsudden involuntary contraction of muscles in the voice box
Lobectomyremoval of the lobe
Mediastinalpertaining to the mediastinum
Nasogastricpertaining to the nose and stomach
Paranasalpertaining to beside the nose
Anoxiacondition of no oxygen
Hypoxiacondition of a deficiency of oxygen in the tissue
OncologyStudy of tumors
Pectorialpertaining to the chest
Pharyngealpertaining to the throat
Pharyngoplastysurgical repair of the throat
Pharyngotomyincision of the throat
Pharngostomynew opening from the throat to the outside of the body
Phrenic; Diaphragmaticpertaining to the diaphragm
Pleuralpertaining to the pleura
Pleurodyniapain in the pleura
Apneanot breathing
Bradypneabreathing slow
Dyspneadifficulty breathing
Tachypneabreathing fast
Pneumothoraxgas in the chest
Pneumonectomyremoval of a lung
Pulmonarypertaining to the lung
Pyothoraxpus in the chest
Rhinitisinflammation in the nose
Rhinoplastysurgical repair of the nose
Rhinorrheadischarge from the nose
Sinusitisinflammation of the sinus
Sinusotomyincision in sinus
Spirometermeasure breathing
Diametermeasure complete
Thoracocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest
Thoracicpertaining to the chest
Thoracotomyincision in the chest
Thoracoscopyvisual examination of chest
Tracheal Stenosispertaining to tightening of the windpipe
Tracheoplastysurgical repair of the windpipe
Tracheostomynew opening at the windpipe to the outside of the body
Tracheotomyincision into the windpipe
TranstrachealPertaining through the windpipe