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level: terms definition

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level questions: terms definition

Abdominalp.t. the abdomen
Abdominocentesissurgical puncture to remove fluid or gas from the abdomen
Adiposep.t. fat or full of fat
AmylaseStartch enzyme
Analp.t. the anus
Perianalp.t. around the anus or p.t. surrounding the anus
AnoplastySurgical repair of the anus
Anorectalp.t. the anus and the rectum
AntiemeticSubstance giving to counteract vomiting
BiologyStudy of life
Biliaryp.t. bile
Hyperbilirubinemiablood condition of excessive(or increased)bilirubin
Buccalp.t. the cheek
CarcinogenProduces Cancer
Cecalp.t. The cecum
Celiacp.t. the abdomen
Cheilosisabnormal condition of lips
CholangiectasiaDilation of the bile duct
CholangiostomyNew opening from the bile duct to the outside of the body
CholangiocarcinomaMalignant tumor of the bile duct arising from epithelial tissue
CholangiohepatitisInflammation of the bile duct and liver
CholangiogastrostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the bile duct and stomach
CholangioenterostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the bile duct and small intestine
CholestasisStopping of bile
Cholecysticp.t. the gallbladder
CholecystectomyRemoval or excision of the gallbladder
CholecystitisInflammation of the gallbladder
CholecystolithiasisAbnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder
CholecystojejunostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the common bile duct and jejunum
Choledochalp.t. the common bile duct
CholedocholithiasisAbnormal condition of stones in the common bile duct
CholedochojejunostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the common bile duct and jejunum
CholedochotomyProcess of cutting into (or incision) of the common bile duct
AntecibumBefore meals
PostcibumAfter meals
Colonicp.t. the large intestine
ColitisInflammation of the large intestine
ColonoscopyVisual exam of the large intestine
ColostomyNew opening from the large intenstine to the outside of the body
ColotomyProcess of cutting into (or incision)of the large intestine
CoprophagiaIngestion of feces
Coprophagicp.t. ingestion of feces
Duodenalp.t. the duodenum
DyscheziaDifficult Defecation
DyspepsiaDifficult digestion
DysphagiaDifficulty Swallowing
EnteritiisInflammation of the small intestine
EnterotomyProcess of cutting into (or incision) of the small intestine
EnterostomyNew opening from the small intestine to the outside of the body
Entericp.t. the small intestine
Enteric CarcinomaMalignant tumor of the small intestine arising from epithelial tissue
EnterocolostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis)between the small and large intestine
EnterocolitisInflammation of the small and large intestines
Esophagealp.t. the esophagus
Esphageal SpasmSudden involuntary contraction of the esophagus
EsophagoplastySurgical repair of the esophagus
EsophagitisInflammation of the esophagus
Facialp.t. the face
Gastricp.t. the stomach
GastrotomyProcess of cutting into (or incision) of the stomach
GastrectomyRemoval (or excision)of the stomach
GastrostomyNew opening from the stomach to the outside of the body
GastrojejunostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the stomach and jejunum
GastroenteritisInflammation of the stomach and small intestine
GastroduodenostomySurgical connection (or anastomosis) between the stomach and duodenum
GastropexySurgical fixation of the stomach
Gingivalp.t. the gums
GingivitisInflammation of the gums
GingivectomyRemoval (or excision) of the gums
Glossalp.t. the tongue
GlossitisInflammation of the tongue
Hypoglossalp.t. below or under the tongue
Glycemicp.t. a blood condition of sugar
HyperglycemiaBlood condition of increased sugar
HypoglycemiaBlood condition of decreased suagr
Hyperglycemicp.t. a blood condition of increased sugar
Hypoglycemicp.t. a blood condition of decreased sugar
BrachygnathiaCondition of a shortened jaw
PrognathiaCondition of elongated jaw
GnathismCondition of the jaw
Hematemesisvomiting blood
HematocheziaBright, Red, fresh blood from the rectum
HemoperitoneumBlood in the peritoneum
HemoptysisSpitting blood
HepatomegalyEnlargement of the liver
HepatitisInflammation of the liver
HepatomaTumor of the liver
HepatotomyProcess of cutting (or incision) of the liver
HepatocyteLiver cell
HerniorrhaphySuture of a hernia
DehydrationCondition of lack of fluid
IleitisInflammation of the ileum
IleostomyNew opening from the ileum to the outside of the body
Ileocecalp.t. the ileum and cecum
Inguinalp.t. the groin
JejunostomyNew opening from the jejunum to the outside of the body
Labialp.t. the lips
LaparotomyProcess of cutting into (or incision) of the abdomen
Lingualp.t. the tongue
Sublingualp.t. below or under the tongue
LipaseFat enzyme
LipomaTumor or fat or fatty tumor
Mandibularp.t. the lower jaw
Submandibularp.t. below or under the mandible
Mucousp.t. mucus
NecropsyView of death
NecrosisAbnormal condition of death
Nasalp.t. the nose
Nasogatricp.t. the nose and stomach
Oralp.t. the mouth
Orogastricp.t. the mouth and stomach
Oronasalp.t. the mouth and nose
PalatoplastySurgical repair of the palate
PacreatitisInflammation of the pancreas
Pancreaticp.t. the pancreas
PeritonitisInflammation of the peritoneum
Peritonealp.t. the peritoneum
Pharyngealp.t. the throat
PharyngitisInflammation of the throat
PolydipsiaExcessive thirst
PolyhagiaExcessive hunger
Preprandialp.t. before meals
Postprandialp.t. after meals
ProctologyStudy of the anus and rectum
ProctoplastySurgical repair of the anus and rectum
ProteaseProtein enzyme
PyorrheaDischarge of pus
Pyloricp.t. the pyloric sphincter
PyloroplastySurgical repair of the pyloric sphincter
Plyoric StenosisTightening, narrowing or stricture of the pyloric sphincter
PylorospasmSudden involuntary contraction of the pyloric sphincter
RadiographInstrument for recording x-rays
RadiologyStudy of x-rays
Rectalp.t. the rectum
RectoceleHernia of the rectum
SialadenitisInflammation of the salivary gland
SailadenosisAbnormal condition of salivary glands
SialoceleHernia of the salivary gland
SteatomaTumor of fat or fatty tumor
SteatolysisBreakdown of fat
SteatitisInflammation of fat
StomatitisInflammation of the mouth
Stomatogastricp.t. the mouth and stomach
StomatologyStudy of the mouth