Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

   Inicia sesión para empezar

level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what is thisolfactory nerve
what is thisoptic nerve
what is thisoculomotor nerve
what is thistrochlear nerve
what is thisabducens nerve
what is thisfacial nerve
what is thisvestibulocochlear nerve
what is thisglossopharyngeal nerve
what is thisvagus nerve
what is thisaccessory nerve
what is thishypoglossal nerve
what is thisfrontal lobe
what is thisparietal lobe
what is thistrigeminal nerve
what is thisoccipital lobe
what is thistemporal lobe
what is thiscerebellum
what is thismedulla oblongata
what is thispons
what is thisthalamus
what is thiscorpus callosum
what is thislateral ventricles
what is thisthird ventricle
what is thiscerebral aqueduct
what is this4th ventricle
what is thissuperior sagittal sinus
what is thisphrenic nerve
what is thiscommon carotid artery
what is thisexternal carotid artery
what is thisinternal carotid artery
what is thissuperficial temporal artery
what is thisophthalmic artery
what is thismaxillary artery
what is thisfacial artery
what is thisvertebral artery
what is thisbasilar artery
what is thismiddle cerebral artery
what is thisanterior cerebral artery
what is thisinternal jugular vein
what is thisexternal jugular vein
what is thisposterior cerebral artery
what is thishypothalamus
what is thislongitudinal fissure
what is thiscentral sulcus
what is thisprecentral gyrus
what is thispostcentral gyrus
what is thiscervical plexus
what is thiscircle of Willis