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level: Some non-metals and their compounds

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Some non-metals and their compounds

What are two gases used to make ammonia and how is it obtained?Hydrogen - by reacting methane with steam or cracking hydrocarbons Nitrogen-from air
What are the conditions in the haber process ?200 Atmospheres 450 C
What is the catalyst used in haber process?Iron
Give three uses of sulfur dioxideUsed as a bleach Used for wood pulp to make paper Used as food preservative by killing bacteria
What are the raw materials used in contact process?Sulfur dioxide (obtained from sulfide ores) Water Air
Give the steps in the contact process and what happens in each stepSulfur is burned in air to get oxidised to form sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide is mixed with more air with the catalyst vanadium(V) oxide at 450 C for sulfur dioxide to get oxidised and form sulfur trioxide It is then dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid to form oleum It is first mixed with sulfuric acid instead of directly adding to water as if it is added a dangerous mist of acid will form Oleum is then mixed with water to give concentrated sulfuric acid
Give three uses of sulfuric acidUsed in making fertiliser such as ammonium sulfate Used to make plastics Used to make soaps and detergents
Give two ways of how carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and two ways how it is added to itPhotosynthesis Dissolving in ocean Respiration Combustion of fuel containing
Give two sources of methaneFormed when bacteria decomposes plant material in the absence of oxygen A waste gas from digestion from animals
How does carbon dioxide and methane take part in climate change?Carbon dioxide and methane are both greenhouse gases , which means they absorb heat in the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping resulting in global warming.
What are the possible consequences of global warming?Ice in arctic and antarctica will melt causing a rise in the sea level causing risk to the low lying countries Species unable to adapt to the climate change will die out Some places will become much warmer and some places will become much wetter Draughts might be caused which will result in famines
Give the chemical names for each of the substance Limestone Lime Slaked lime LimewaterCalcium carbonate Calcium oxide Calcium hydroxide Weak solution of calcium hydroxide