the guardian, the custodian | der Vormund |
free (costs nothing) | frei, kostenlos, umsonst, gratis |
the ant and the cockroach | die Ameise und die Kakerlake |
analagous | sinngemäß |
the maid | das Dienstmädchen, die Putzfrau |
to start, to activate (an engine e.g.) | anlassen, (anwerfen) |
the (political) party | die Partei |
the representative, the proxy, the agent | der Vertreter |
the laboratory | das Labor |
pure, purely, mere, merely/just | rein |
to download | runterladen (ugs), herunterladen |
the gas station | die Tankstelle, die Tanke |
to refuel, to fill up (with gas) | auftanken |
together | gemeinsam, zusammen, (miteinander) |
suitable (for purpose), convenient, appropriate, fitting (for purpose) | geeignet |
plain, modest, unpretentious, simple (ex. a simple outfit) | schlicht |
respective, according to, corresponding to | entsprechend |
the basket | der Korb |
the fingerprint | der Fingerabdruck |
the news, the tidings, the intelligence | die Nachrichten (pl) |
the broadcast, the shipment/package | die Sendung |
the constitution | die Verfassung |
the step, the pace (distance, NOT speed) | der Schritt |
to implement (a plan, a decision, a law), (to transform, to relocate) | umsetzen |
the stairs, the stairway, the steps | die Treppe |
the knight (ie person who is a knight) | der Ritter |
the knight (in chess) | das Pferd (Schach) |
the cruise | die Kreuzfahrt, die Seereise |
fitting (ie in color or size/shape), proper | passend |
blanket/package/flat rate/all-inclusive (deal) | pauschal |
the contribution (ex. donation, membership dues, an article to the paper, insurance premium) | der Beitrag |
the drum roll | der Trommelwirbel |
the origin, the source, the genesis | der Ursprung |
the headphones (plural) | die Kopfhörer |
the credit card | die Kreditkarte |
the engineer (but NOT on a train) | der Ingenieur, der Techniker |
the service (at a restaurant) | die Bedienung |
the waiter | der Kellner |
the obligation, the commitment | die Verpflichtung |
the pension | die Rente, die Pension |
the circle | der Kreis |
the bill, the invoice | die Rechnung |
to avert, to avoid | vermeiden |
to stay away | fernbleiben |
the reputation | der Ruf |
sustainable | nachhaltig |
the abbreviation, the shortcut | die Abkürzung (das Kurzbezeichnung, das Kürzel) |
the underwear (in general), the undergarments | die Unterwäsche |
the underwear (specifically, panties or briefs) | die Unterhose |
to subscribe (to a Youtube channel) | abonnieren |
the shadow | der Schatten |
neuter | neutrum |
the resistance, the opposition | der Widerstand |
the skyscraper | der Wolkenkratzer, das Hochhaus |
the ingredient | die Zutat, der Bestandteil |
the benchmark, the standard, the yardstick, the scale (of production) | der Maßstab |
to launch (a product or film), to introduce (ex. a new product), to import | einführen |
to implement (plans with to go on a walk or a date), to perform, to accomplish, to export | ausführen |
to observe (the rules), to comply, to adhere (to rules), to follow (rules) | einhalten |
to succeed (and be successful) | gelingen |
the greenhouse gas (ex. carbon dioxide) | das Treibhausgas, das Klimagas |
to free (sb) | befreien, freisetzen |
cloudy, overcast | trüb |
the household, the budget, (the housekeeping) | das Haushalt |
to soap up, to lather | einseifen |
the desire, the longing, the yearning, the nostalgia | die Sehnsucht |
to prune, to cut, to trim (small cutting) | beschneiden |
to crop, to chop, to truncate (cutting off a lot) | abschneiden |
the attitude, the settings (on a website) | die Einstellung |
upside down | kopfüber |
the matter, the affair, (the issue) | die Angelegenheit, (das Anliegen) |
the surface | die Oberfläche, (die Fläche) |
the space (outer space, distance between objects), the room, the expanse | der Raum |
to steer, to direct (toward a direction) | steuern, lenken (buchstäblich) |
to blame | beschuldigen, (vorwerfen) |
to accuse (informally, not legally) | vorwerfen, (beschuldigen) |
to accuse (formally/legally), to indict, to charge (with a crime) | anklagen |
the environment (i.e. the thing we care about), the surrounding world | die Umwelt |
the (local) environment, the surroundings | die Umgebung, das Umfeld |
bitter | bitter, herb |
little by little | nach und nach, Stück für Stück |
to travel without paying, to fare dodge | schwarzfahren |
knee high | kniehoch |
sandy | sandig |
exhausting, strenuous, (demanding) | anstrengend |
the heating, the heater, the radiator | die Heizung |
greasy, fatty | fettig |
the vinegar | der Essig |
oil and vinegar | Essig und Öl |
until then (in the future...usually in a letter), until that time (all the best) | bis dahin |
the instructor | der Ausbilder, (der Lehrer) |
the press release | die Pressemitteilung |
the connection, the nexus, the relationship | der Zusammenhang |
to admonish | mahnen |
preferably (ex. preferably sooner than later) | vorzugsweise |
muddy | schlammig, matschig |
the peculiarity, the feature, the anomaly | die Besonderheit |
the house call (by a doctor) | der Hausbesuch |
sometimes | manchmal, (gelegentlich, mitunter) |
to call for, to dun (constantly) | anmahnen |