per hour | pro Stunde |
the employee | der Angestellter, die Angestellte |
satisfied | zufrieden (Adj) |
awkward (situation), delicate (issue), precarious, tricky (situation) | heikel |
the owner | der Besitzer, der Eigentümer |
the wallet | die Brieftasche, der Geldbeutel, das Portemonnaie |
the purse | die Handtasche |
to hack (a computer), to chop (ex. into groundbeef) | hacken |
to sound, to ring, to chime | klingen |
the graduation, the degree, the conclusion | der Abschluss |
hydrogen | Wasserstoff |
gay (homosexual man) | schwul |
sticky (weather), muggy (weather) | schwül |
broke (financially), bankrupt | pleite |
the hail (weather) | der Hagel |
the season (of a TV show) | die Staffel |
the active ingredient (in medicines) | der Wirkstoff |
the American | der Amerikaner, der Ami |
the light bulb (lit. the glow pear) | die Glühbirne |
the volcano | der Vulkan |
the pledge (of aid), the commitment (of money), the promise (of help) | die Zusage |
futile, in vain, fruitless | vergeblich |
in the thick of it, in the middle of it | mittendrin |
the location, (the site) | die Lage, der Standort, der Ort |
to quit (job) | kündigen, quittieren |
the imposition, the unreasonable demand | die Zumutung |
the enjoyment, the pleasure, the treat | das Vergnügen |
the ground (under your feet), the soil, the bottom, the floor | der Boden |
to recover (from illness) | erholen |
backwards (reversed order) | rückwärts |
the parking garage (ex. with multiple levels) | das Parkhaus |
the parking level (in a parking garage) | das Parkdeck |
the eggplant | die Aubergine |
the lettuce | der Kopfsalat, der Salat, der grüner Salat |
the basket | der Korb |
the shopping cart | der Einkaufswagen |
to treat as equal (under the law) | gleichstellen |
the ethnicity | die Ethnie |
to tend, to incline (ex. roof), to tilt, to lean | neigen |
fluent (ex. in a language) | fließend, (flüssig) |
blind, sightless | blind |
deaf | taub |
the consultation, (the discussion) | die Beratung |
the chaos, the mayhem, the havoc | das Chaos |
to feel like (doing something) | Lust haben, Bock haben |
the expression, (the saying) | der Ausdruck |
the idiom, the phrase | die Redewendung |
to work (function), to work out (be successful), to fold | klappen |
in a row, in succession | in Folge |
to manufacture, to produce, to make, to establish | herstellen |
to get (slang), to pick up, to come by | kriegen |
to bribe | bestechen |
the Summer season | die Sommersaison |
the Lincoln Memorial | das Lincoln Denkmal |
the follower | der Anhänger |
the rails (on a hospital bed or under a train) | die Schienen |
to name | nennen |
the mainland | das Festland |
the frustration | der Frust |
the measles | die Masern |
the jewel | das Juwel |
to tour (a foreign country) | besichtigen |
the car horn | die Hupe |
to cite (an article) | zitieren |
quiet, peaceful, calm | ruhig |
to lick, to lap up | lecken |
the faucet | der Wasserhahn |
the Pentecost (holiday, 7th Sunday after Easter) | das Pfingsten |
to lie, to be situated | liegen |
to check, to verify | überprüfen |
to replace | ersetzen |
to reflect, to contemplate, to ponder, to think | nachdenken |
the health | die Gesundheit |
like that | dergleichen |
effective | wirksam |
curious | neugierig |
greedy | gierig |
the relationship (between people) | die Beziehung |
the relationship (between things, NOT people) | das Verhältnis |
healthy | gesund |
forever | für immer |
well-behaved, good, honest | brav |
to guarantee | gewährleisten |
so-called, commonly called | sogenannt |
why? (answer not presupposed) | Wieso, Warum |
why? (answer presupposed) | Weshalb, Weswegen |
the topic, the subject (of the conversation) | das Thema |
the homework | die Hausaufgabe |
the task | die Aufgabe |
normally, usually | normalerweise, gewöhnlich |
to prefer | bevorzugen |
each, everyone, anyone, everybody | jeder |
the collapse, the meltdown, the breakdown | der Zusammenbruch |
the glitch, the breakdown, the mishap | die Panne |
to touch (intentionally, firmer) | anfassen |
to stir | rühren |
to observe | beobachten |
up until now | bisher |
confident (in an optimistic way...ex. I'm confident that it'll work out) | zuversichtlich |
the buzzer | der Summer |