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level: Level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3

the surprisedie Überraschung
to shaverasieren
the butcherder Metzger, der Fleischer
the butcher shopdie Metzgerei, die Fleischerei
exact, precise, accurategenau
the bar (at a pub), the counterdie Theke
to chewkauen
the offer (from a store that might be advertised)das Angebot
especially, first and foremost, primarilyvor allem
to sacrificeopfern
the violindie Geige
to dotun, machen (etw)
the scenedie Szene
naked (ex. body)nackt
the nervesdie Nerven
the objectder Gegenstand, das Objekt
the customerder Kunde, die Kundin
the distanceder Abstand
the speechdie Rede
the secretdas Geheimnis
nevernie, niemals
the futuredie Zukunft
the embassy, the messagedie Botschaft
the morningder Morgen, der Vormittag
the umbrellader Regenschirm
the shelfdas Regal
the vaccinationdie Impfung
to raise one's hand (in class)sich melden
the glacierder Gletscher
the edgeder Rand, die Kante
a few (2 word German phrase)ein paar
to climbklettern, klimmen
the pregnancydie Schwangerschaft
probably, likely, probablewahrscheinlich
handy, practical, convenientpraktisch
the jersey (that athletes wear in sports)das Trikot
to provokeprovozieren
the anniversarydas Jubiläum, der Jahrestag
to printdrucken
the profitder Gewinn
to enjoygenießen
the recipe, the prescriptiondas Rezept
to rescueretten
to countzählen
to forgetvergessen, verlernen
the wormder Wurm
to betray, to reveal, to discloseverraten
the leveldas Niveau, die Ebene, (die Stufe, die Höhe, der Pegel (Wasser))
the symptomdas Symptom
the lock, the castledas Schloss
the spatulader Pfannenheber
to separate, to split up, (to divorce)sich trennen
to accuse, to allegevorwerfen
the paw (on a cat or dog)die Pfote
the stadiumdas Stadion
the safety, the securitydie Sicherheit
the dustder Staub
the can (ex. can of tuna fish)die Dose
the teamdie Mannschaft, das Team
to listenzuhören
the nephewder Neffe
the niecedie Nichte
home, at homeZuhause, zu Hause
the smokeder Rauch
the pillardie Säule
the battledie Schlacht
the skindie Haut
the languagedie Sprache
the sentence (in a book)der Satz
the heel (of a shoe/boot), the paragraph, the salesder Absatz
the chapterdas Kapitel
the verbdas Verb
the noundas Substantiv, das Nomen
the pronoundas Pronomen
the adjectivedas Adjektiv
the adverbdas Adverb
the advisorder Berater
the deskder Schreibtisch
the pizzadie Pizza
to change (ex. money from dollars to Euros), to switch, to substitutewechseln
the account (ex. at a bank)das Konto
critical (situation or person)kritisch
to rubreiben
to knock (ex. on the door), to tap (ex. on the glass)klopfen
the victimdas Opfer
to seem, to appear (ie to seem)scheinen
to ask a questioneine Frage stellen
the fatedas Schicksal, das Verhängnis
the liarder Lügner
the denier (ex. Covid denier)der Leugner
sharp (literal and figurative), keen, hot, spicyscharf
readybereit, fertig
the crowndie Krone
alreadyschon, bereits
tight, narrow, closeeng
the vowelder Vokal
the consonantder Konsonant, der Mitlaut