the hand towel | das Handtuch |
hardly, barely, scarcely | kaum |
the steak | das Steak |
the hamburger, the burger | der Hamburger |
the pineapple | die Ananas |
to lie (ie. to tell an untruth) | lügen |
to get done, to handle, to complete, to manage, to do | erledigen |
to rip, to tear | reißen |
the silver (metal) | das Silber |
the office (that contains a desk and chair, etc...physical) | das Büro |
the office (ie that one holds...ex. President, governor) | das Amt |
the pandemic | die Pandemie |
the society, the association, the company | die Gesellschaft |
wet | nass |
the bear | der Bär |
the wolf | der Wolf |
the piano | das Klavier |
the slip, the note, the piece of paper | der Zettel |
the cakewalk, the layup, the easy thing to do | das Kinderspiel |
the insurance | die Versicherung |
the coat | die Jacke, der Mantel |
Santa Claus | Weihnachtsmann |
the luggage, the baggage | das Gepäck |
the heatwave | die Hitzewelle |
the trout | die Forelle |
the Christmas tree | der Weihnachtsbaum, der Christbaum |
the fir tree, the Christmas tree | der Tannenbaum |
the paramedic, (the medic) | der Sanitäter |
uncomfortable, inconvenient | unbequem |
the thermometer | das Thermometer |
the gardener | der Gärtner, die Gärtnerin |
the escalator | die Rolltreppe |
the judge | der Richter |
the dish (food), the court (of law) | das Gericht |
to teach (informally...ex. how to make eggs) | beibringen |
the balloon | der Ballon, der Luftballon |
the desert (ex. Sahara) | die Wüste |
to bet | wetten |
the cancer | der Krebs |
the spectator, the viewer | der Zuschauer |
the gold | das Gold |
the day after tomorrow | übermorgen |
the day before yesterday | vorgestern |
the quarantine | die Quarantäne |
the forest | der Wald |
the art (ex. Monalisa) | die Kunst |
the artist | der Künstler, die Künstlerin |
the precipitation | der Niederschlag |
the tragedy | die Tragödie |
to spit | spucken |
Crap! | Mist! |
strict | streng |
the donkey, the ass | der Esel |
the furniture | die Möbel |
the spiral | die Spirale |
the snowflake | die Schneeflocke |
the pie | die Torte, die Pastete |
the adultery, the fling, the affair | der Seitensprung |
manual, manually | manuell |
the organ (ie musical, like a piano) | die Orgel |
dubious, suspect, questionable | fragwürdig |
to divorce, to part (ways), to depart (ex. for Cairo) | scheiden |
the deer | das Reh |
the syllable | die Silbe |
the war | der Krieg |
the rivalry | die Rivalität |
the margarine | die Margarine |
the wish | der Wunsch |
the village | das Dorf, die Ortschaft |
the throat | der Hals, der Rachen |
the antibody | der Antikörper |
old fashioned | altmodisch |
the mall | das Einkaufszentrum |
to correct (an exam), to revise | korrigieren |
to repair (ex. a car), to fix (ex. a sink) | reparieren |
the answer | die Antwort |
the question | die Frage |
the wall (made of brick, concrete, or stone...ex. Berlin Wall) | die Mauer |
No idea! | Keine Ahnung! |
the God, the Lord | der Gott |
the hero | der Held |
You're Welcome! | Gern geschehen!, gern, gerne |
the vaccine | der Impfstoff |
the phase, the stage (in a process) | die Phase |
the factor | das Faktor |
but (ex. not this BUT that) | sondern |
actually | eigentlich, wirklich, sogar |
really | wirklich |
Keep the change (ex. when you intend to leave a tip) | Stimmt so |
advanced (ie the opposite of a beginner) | fortgeschritten |
the senator (in America) | der Senator, die Senatorin |
the chalk (for the teacher) | die Kreide |
the sponge | der Schwamm |
the scientist | der Wissenschaftler, die Wissenschaftlerin |
the tears (from your eyes) | die Tränen |
the thunderstorm | das Gewitter, das Donnerwetter |
the morning (just before noon) | der Vormittag |
the layer, the shift (at work...ex. the late shift) | die Schicht |
the regime (ex. a dictatorship) | das Regime |
to sneeze | niesen |