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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

State one property of water that makes it useful to animals and plants.it is a solvent.
Substances that are absorbed from the alimentary canal may enter cells and become part of the cells. State the storage carbohydrate made from glucose in liver cells.glycogen
State the type of protein used in the immune system that is produced from amino acids by lymphocytes.antibodies
Fat is produced from fatty acids and glycerol by cells in the fatty tissue beneath the skin. State one function of this layer of fatthermal insulation ;
Amino acids are an example of a type of nutrient transported in the blood. State two examples of larger molecules found in cells that are made from amino acids.protein ; named proteins ;;
Fat is a necessary component of the human diet. State three ways in which the human body uses fat1 (for) energy / energy source / respiration ; 2 storage / stored ; (fat or vitamins or energy) 3 insulation / reduce heat loss / maintains temperature / ref to myelin ; 4 protection (against mechanical damage) / cushions organs / shock absorber ; 5 AVP ; 6 AVP ;e.g. buoyancy making (some) hormones making (cell) membranes provide heat absorption of vitamins waterproofing
State the name for the structure of a DNA moleculedouble helix
Describe the structure of a DNA molecule.double helix; (strands) contain, bases /A and T and C and G; A joins with T/C joins with G; strands /bases, join/ pair up, by crosslinks /hydrogen bonds; AVP;
Explain these results.iodine solution diffused, into the bag/through the (Visking) tubing ; iodine molecules small (enough to pass through the membrane) ; iodine solution stains starch ora ; no starch diffused, out of the bag/ through the (Visking) tubing ; starch molecules too large (to pass through the membrane) ; ref to pore /AW, size ;
State three factors that influence the movement of molecules through membranestemperature ; (surface) area ; concentration (gradient)/water potential ; size/ type, of molecule ; thickness /distance, across membrane/ permeability (of membrane) ; pressure ; (number of) protein, channels / pumps /AW ; energy / number of mitochondria ;
Describe and explain the results shown in Table 3.1.blue at time 0 indicates no glucose present ; ensures that no glucose on outer surface of dialysis tubing / in water, as a result of an error ; green / yellow / red, indicates presence of glucose ; glucose, diffuses / moves, out of dialysis tubing / into water ; (movement is) down the concentration gradient / high to low concentration ; dialysis tubing is permeable to glucose ; AVP ;
The student repeated the investigation with a higher concentration of glucose in the dialysis tubing. Predict the results that the student would observe.idea that (Benedict’s solution) changes colour quicker / gives more intense colour / AW ;