to make amends, to patch things up (lit. to grind out a notch...3 words in German) | eine Scharte auswetzen (ugs), wieder gutmachen (alt) |
to manage (ie. to get by, to succeed) | bewältigen, auskommen, schaffen, hinkriegen |
several (ie quite a few, but less than 'many') | etliche |
to correct (ex. a problem), to remedy (ex. a weakness), (to repair, to put right, to fix) | beheben |
to tend, to mind, to look after | hüten |
the admission (ex. of guilt), the concession (of a point in an argument), the confession | das Eingeständnis |
to whet, to sharpen, to grind | wetzen |
the editing, the processing, the treatment | die Bearbeitung |
the limit value | der Grenzwert |
to be in a hurry | in Eile sein, es eilig haben |
the miscarriage (of a pregnancy) | die Fehlgeburt |
the mane, the hair | die Mähne |
limp, limply, floppy, flabby | schlaff, schlapp |
to audition (for the theater) | vorsprechen |
to aim | zielen, bezwecken |
the trophy cup | der Pokal |
as a quid pro quo | im Gegenzug, als Gegenleistung |
to unsettle, to upset, to unnerve | verunsichern, verstören, beunruhigen |
the stag | der Hirsch |
the top dog | der Platzhirsch |
immensely, tremendously | ungemein |
the review (of a restaurant or yelp-like assessment) | die Rezension, die Bewertung |
the torture | die Qual, die Folter |
horrid | entsetzlich, grauvoll |
the intimidation | die Einschüchterung |
prepared, handy, ready (ex. gas masks at a demonstration when tear gas is fired) | parat |
to sit for an exam, to take a test | eine Prüfung ablegen (wichtig), eine Prüfung machen, eine Prüfung schreiben |
to put aside, to discard, to file, to deposit | ablegen |
the circumstance | der Umstand |
the preparation | die Vorbereitung, die Zubereitung, die Bereitung |
the slope (of a mountain), the propensity, the proclivity | der Hang |
the vine | die Weinrebe, die Rebe |
the rifle | das Gewehr |
to hollow out | aushöhlen |
the wound (physical, not emotional) | die Wunde, die Blessur |
to crumble | zerfallen, zerbröckeln, bröckeln, krümeln |
to set down, to put down (ex. stop working) | niederlegen |
to chant | skandieren |
to steer toward something | zusteuern |
fully stocked | voll bestückt |
for days (ex. The rain lasted FOR DAYS) | tagelang |
the rapprochement | die Annäherung |
the abstention (in a vote) | die Enthaltung |
the well (where you fetch water) | der Brunnen |
the appearance, the apparition, the phenomenon | die Erscheinung |
next to | bei, beinahe, neben |
the threshold | der Schwellenwert |
the fishing | das Angeln |
to go fishing | angeln gehen |
the impact (from a crash) | der Aufprall |
the feature, the trait | das Merkmal |
the personal doctor, the personal physician | der Leibarzt |
the blank check | der Blankoscheck |