Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the general intellectual climate of our cultureZeitgeist
René Decartes theory that the human mind & body are two separate entities with only the latter following scientific lawsCartesian dualism
the debate of whether behavioural capacities and inherited or learnedNature nurture issue
The study of animal behaviour in their natural environmentEthology
behaviours that always occur in a species w/o opportunity to learn it.Instinctive behaviours
A deficiency in the awareness of one's own body, caused from damage to the right parietal lobe so involves the left side of the bodyAsomatognosia
Heritable traits, survival & reprod most likely to be passed onNatural selection
Undergo gradual orderly change, proven by DarwinEvolve
The ability to survive & contribute genes to the next generationFitness
A group of organisms reproductively isolated from other organismsSpecies
Members of the same speciesConspecifics
Animals with dorsal nerve cords (large nerves, centre of back)Chordates
In larval form must live in water; adult must live on landAmphibians
Chordates that also have spinal bonesVertebrates
Species that female has mammary glands to feed youngMammals
Mammals that have hands & feet similar to hand & forward facing eyes.Primates
Primates of the tribe that inc. humansHominini
Incidental non-adaptive evolutionary by-productSpandrels
Evolved to serve one purpose, later used for anotherExaptations
Structures similar bc common evolutionary ancestorHomologous
Structures similar but do not have common evolutionary ancestorsAnalogous
Evolution of species in similar way due to similar situation not related/geneticsConvergent evolution
Part of brain that processes reflex act vital for survivalBrain stem
Brain part responsible for complex adaptive process-learning, perception, motivationCerebrum
Folds on the cerebral surfaceConvolutions
One male sexually bonds w more than one femalePolygyny
One female sexually bonds w more than one malePolyandry
Enduring relationship between mated pair male & femaleMonogamy
Trait that occurs in one form or other never in combination (g. seed colour)Dichotomous traits
Breeding lines in which interbred members always have offspring w same trait gen after genTrue breeding lines
Trait that only needs one gene present to display phenotypeDominant trait
Trait. that needs two gene present to dis phenotypeRecessive trait
An organism's observable traitsPhenotype
Traits organism can pass on to offspring w genesGenotype
Each inherited factorGene
Two genes that control the same traitAlleles
Organisms that have two identical genes for traitHomozygous
Organisms that have two different genes for a traitHeterozygous
Thread-like structure in each cell nucleus. Humans have 23 pairsChromosomes
Egg & sperm cellsGametes
Cell division that makes gamates and fascilitates sexually reproductionMeiosis
Cell division that replicates cells and fascilitates asexual cell reproduceMitosis
Fertilised egg cellZygote
The result of meiosis chromosomes live up in their pairs and exchange randomly to make new chromosomesGenetic recombination
Deoxyribonucleic acid that makes up chromosomesDNA
The elements that combine to create geneticsNucleotide bases
Ganine-Cytosine Adenine-ThymineGCAT
Process of making more DNA for new cellsReplication
Accidental alterations in individuals genes after replicationMutations
All chromosome pains other than sex chromoAutosomal chromosomes
Pair of chromo determine sex; XX female XY maleSex chromosomes
traits influ geneson sex chromosomeSex-Linked traits
A substance that contains amino acidsProteins
Compounds that play critical role in body make hormones (build body, make hormones & neurotransmitters)Amino acids
Stretches of DNA that determine if synthesis of proteins & rate of productEnhancers
How a cell will develop & what function it servesGene expression
Proteins that bind to DNA & inf extent to which genes are expressedTranscription factors
ribonucleic acid; like DNA but contains uracil instead thymine & has phosphate & ribose backboneRNA
Carries genetic code out of cell nucleusMessenger RNA
Made of RNA molecules & proteins & form cell production factoryRibosomes
Each group of 3 consecutive nucleotidic bases on messenger RNACodon
RNA attached to amino acid; carries amino acid to ribosomeTransfer RNA
Collaboration to map all 3 billion bases in human DNAHuman Genome Project
The map of human DNAHuman proteome
Study of mechanisms of inheritance other than genetic codeEpigenetics
Reaction occurs when a methyl group attaches to DNA moleculeDNA Methylation
When histones change shape & inf shape of surrounding DNAHistone Remodeling
Proteins around which DNA is coiledHistones
When effect on gene express by acting on messengerRNA not DNARNA editing
Study examine transmission of experience via epigenetic mechanics through generationsTransgenerational epigenetics
Development of ind over life spanOntogeny
Evolutionary development of species through historyPhylogeny
Phenylketonuria; neurological cond geneticPKU
Period when experience must occur to influence development of traitSensitive period
Phase where memories are formedSensory phase
phase where birds sing but need audio feedback for developmentsensorimotor phase
Twins that dev from the same zygote; genetically identicalMonozygotic twins
Twins that develop from two different zygotes and are no more genetically similar than siblingsDizygotic twins
An estimate of the proportion of variability that occured in a trait in a study as a result of genetic variationHeritability estimate