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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

A small branch that arises from the femoral artery near its termination within the adductor canal and it is the main blood supply to the stifle jointDescending genicular artery
It is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the thigh and legFemoral Artery
A branch of the femoral artery arising from the descending genicular arterySaphenous artery
Exclusive of the hindpaw, are the lateral saphenous vein and the superficial branch of the deep circumflex iliac vein on the lateral side, and the medial saphenous vein and proximal part of the femoral vein on the medial side.Superficial veins of the pelvic limb
A large vein near the surface of the hind leg. two branches: cranial branch from the flexor surface of the tarsus and its caudal branch from the lateral surface.Lateral saphenous vein
It leaves the caudal side of the femoral artery, extends distocaudally, and crosses the insertion of the pectineus and then the adductor muscles.Proximal caudal femoral Artery
Begins by the confluence of its cranial and caudal branches medial to the stifle joint.Medial saphenous vein
Joins the medial saphenous vein proximal to the confluence of the cranial and caudal branches.Medial genicular vein
Arises subcutaneously over the tendon of the longitudinal extensor muscle, from a small trunk formed by the anastomosis of the cranial branch of the saphenous and the superficial branch of the cranial tibial arteries.Dorsal common digital arteries II, III and IV
The dorsal part of these arteries are supplied when the first digit or dewclaw is present, these vessels arise also from the dorsal common digital artery I that comes from the cranial branch of the saphenous arteryAbaxial and axial dorsal proper digital arteries I
The chief blood supply to the hindpaw distal to the tarsusPlantar metatarsal artery
This joins the larger proximal perforating branch of dorsal metatarsal artery II to form the deep plantar archLateral plantar artery
Terminates in the proximal metatarsus by forming an arcuate artery, which runs transversely to disappear in the ligamentous tissue of the lateral and plantar sides of the proximal end of the metatarsusDorsal pedal artery
The direct continuation of the aorta caudally, after the internal iliac arteries ariseMedian sacral artery
Exclusive of the hindpaw, are largely tributaries of the superficial veinsCutaneous veins of the pelvic limb
Less than 1 mm in diameter, these vessels are joined by the segmental arteries at each caudal vertebraeDorsal and ventral lateral caudal arteries
This drains oxygen-depleted blood from the forearm.Ulnar veins
Receives tributaries from the distal caudal thigh and proximal caudal crural muscles.Distal caudal femoral vein
It arises from the femoral artery as the latter passes lateral to the m. semimembranosusMiddle caudal femoral artery
Typically, this artery rejoin the caudal artery beyond the pelvic outlet after passing through or around the hemal archesVentral caudal artery
This artery also decreases as the muscle and vertebrae toward the end decrease in sizeDorsolateral caudal artery
A small segmental arterial channel that consists of a series of lateral arches lying ventral to the transverse processesVentrolateral caudal artery
Runs proximally on the palmar side of the interosseous muscle between the second and third metacarpal bones.Radial vein
These are small veins that lie in the grooves between adjacent metatarsal bones.Dorsal metatarsal veins II, III, and IV
This veins joins along the length of the radius.Accessory cephalic vein
Formed by the axial dorsal proper digital veins of the third and fourth digits.Dorsal common digital vein
Formed by the second and fifth dorsal proper digital veins.Dorsal common digital veins II and IV
formerly known as the cranial femoral vein, is the largest and the last tributary of the femoral vein, which it enters laterally.Lateral circumflex femoral vein
A deep artery where pulse is usually easily palpated.Femoral Artery
It enters the external iliac vein prior to its union with the internal iliac vein and drains the caudal abdominal wall.Caudal abdominal vein
It begins by passing between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and terminates in the interosseous space between the tibia and fibula distal to their headsPopliteal Artery
emerges from between the m. pectineus medially and the m. iliopsoas laterally where it is continued by the deep femoral vein to the external iliac vein.medial circumflex femoral vein
the satellite of the most proximal muscular branch of the femoral artery.proximal caudal femoral vein
Receives the third and sometimes the second sacral intervertebral veinInternal pudendal vein
A vein that is 3 mm in diameter, drains the m. biceps femoris.Middle caudal femoral vein
It arches dorsocranially across the medial surface of the m. iliopsoas and ventral to the promontory of the sacrum and unites with the internal iliac vein to form the common iliac veinexternal iliac vein
It passes between the tibia and fibula, runs deep to the m. popliteus, and unites with the delicate caudal tibial vein to form the popliteal veinCranial tibial vein
Middle genicular artery, medial genicular artery, lateral proximal genicular artery, and distal genicular arteryBranches of genicular arteries
continues the popliteal artery between the tibia and fibula after the caudal tibial artery arises.Cranial tibial artery
It leaves the caudal surface of the popliteal artery at the interosseous space.Caudal Tibial Artery
The cranial tibial artery crosses deep to the m. fibularis longus to gain the deep surface of the long digital extensor muscle.m. fibularis longus
very small in diameter, but long. It reaches the superficial crural fascia between the m. fibularis longus and the long digital extensor muscle at the beginning of the distal third of the crus.superficial branch of cranial tibial artery
It originates from the caudal vesicle artery of the bladderProstatic artery
The main artery of the pelvic in the fetus and forms the round ligament of the bladderUmbilical artery
Supplies the middle gluteal muscle and iliolumbar arteryCranial gluteal artery
Arises from the caudal caudal gluteal artery and it sends nutrient artery of the ilium to enter the nutrient foramenIliolumbar artery
What is the common venous trunk formed by three (3) dorsal common digitals veins?Cranial beanch of lateral saphenous