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level: Chapter 57 Skin Disorders

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Chapter 57 Skin Disorders

Atopic dermatitis is referred to as _____eczema
Eczema has _____ stages. _____, _____, and _____.three Acute Sub-Acute Chronic
The acute stage of eczema is characterized by _____red, oozing, crusty rash and intense pruritus
The sub-acute stage of eczema is characterized by ____redness excoriations scaling plaques pustules
In the chronic stage of eczema, the skin becomesdry thickened scaly and brownish-gray in color
Personal or family history of asthma hay fever or food allergies are risk factors for _____?eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Which is/are included in the teaching plan for a patient with atopic dermatitis? Avoid constrictive clothing Use sunscreen and moisturizers Topical corticosteroids provide the best control of inflammation Take nystatin for itching Malaise, chills, and fever may occur with local tenderness and redness,Avoid constrictive clothing Use sunscreen and moisturizers Topical corticosteroids provide the best control of inflammation
allergies, bathing practices, and medications can be contributing factors for _____.atopic dermatitis
_____ can cause skin atrophy, loss of pigmentation, permanent red lesions, and adrenal suppression.steroids
Soaks, occlusive dressings and emollients help to keep the skin ____.moist
This can be ordered to relieve itching with atopic dermatitisSystemic antihistamines
Immunosuppressants that may be used to treat atopic dermatitis when safer methods fail are _____ and _____, but they may increase the risk of skin cancer and lymphoma.pimecromilus cream (Elidel) tacromilus ointment (Protopic)
Patient teaching for atopic dermatitis include all but one of these: Avoid known irritants and constrictive clothing use moisturizers and sunscreen apply wet dressings soaked in Burrow solution take medications as prescribed after swimming in chlorinated water, bathe with mild soap and shampoo and apply a moisturizerapply wet dressings soaked in Burrow solution
This is an inflammatory condition caused by contact with a substance that triggers an allergic response.Contact dermatitis
This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that May have fine, powdery scales, thick crusts, or oily patches. The scales may be white, yellowish, or reddish.Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is also called _____.dandruff
Seborrheic dermatitis is aggravated by_____stress and neurologic disease
Topical ketoconazole (Nizoral), topical corticosteroids are used to treat ______.Seborrheic dermatitis
An autoimmune disorder caused by rapid proliferation of epidermal cellspsoriasis
A systemic effect of Psoriasispsoriatic arthritis
Stress, streptococcal infections, overuse of alcohol, lithium, anti-malarials, ACE inhibitors, and Beta blockers can aggravate ______psoriasis
True or false Psoriasis can be curedFalse
Which drug used to remove heavy scales in patients with psoriasis can stain normal skin and hair? Tazarotene (Tazorac) Glucocorticoids Methotrexate Sodium Anthralin(Anthra-Derm)Anthralin (Anthra-Derm)
Which 2 drugs used to treat Psoriasis are contraindicated during pregnancy?methotrexate and oral retinoids
Which are problems for a patient with psoriasis? A. injury related to improper nail trimming, poor peripheral circulation B. Impaired tissue perfusion C. Altered self-concept related to skin lesions and scales D. Decreased socialization related to embarrassmentC. Altered self-concept related to skin lesions and scales D. Decreased socialization related to embarrassment
If one arm and one leg are burned, what is the estimated burn size according to the rule of nines?27%
A burn patient is at great risk for hyperthermia paralysis edema infectionedema infection
Red Weeping clear margined area where two skin surfaces touchintertrigo
Heat, friction, and moisture between two body surfaces are risk factors for _____ and are a perfect environment for infection by ______intertrigo Candida albicans
The presence of C. albicans is confirmed by this testKOH potassium hydroxide exam and culture of skin scrapings
C. albicans can be treated with topical ______ or ______corticosteroid antifungal
true or false cornstarch is a treatment/preventative for intertrigofalse
Wet soaks with tap water or Burrow solution are sometimes ordered to remove exudate in which conditionintertrigo
an inflammatory disease involving the hair follicles, sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedonesacne
______ hormones cause increased sebum productionandrogenic
True or false Fatty foods, chocolate, and poor hygiene do not cause acneTrue
____ is an oral medication used to treat severe acne and can cause fetal deformities in pregnant women.isotretinoin (Accutane)
Women who take isotretinoin (Accutane) should prevent pregnancy until at least ______ after therapy has been completed. Two forms of ______ ______ should be used while on this therapy1 month birth control
Shingles is also known as _____ ______Herpes zoster
Shingles are caused by the same organism that causes ________.Chickenpox
A _______test or a viral culture is used to confirm diagnosis of herpes zoster.Tzanck
Herpes zoster can be treated with _______antiviral oral medications
A chronic autoimmune condition in which bullae develop on the face, back, chest, groin, and umbilicusPemphigus
Potassium permanganate baths, Domeboro solution, and oatmeal products with oil are ordered to soothe areas affected by ________Pemphigus
Signs and symptoms of _____ infestation include thin, red lines on the skin and itchingscabies
Signs and symptoms of _____ infestation include itching of hairy areas of the body, and visible nitsLice
Pediculide products are applied to treat _____Lice
Topical scabicide is applied to treat ______scabies
According to the "rules of nine", the front portion of the arm represents ______ percent of the body4.5
According to the "rules of nine", the leg represents ____ percent of the body9
According to the "rules of nine" the torso and back each (individually) represent ____ percent of the body18
How does the Lund and Bower method for estimating body surface area (burns) differ from "rules of nine"?It takes into account the age of the person and divides the area into smaller regions
First and second-degree burns are also called _____partial-thickness burns
A burn only affecting the epidermis; sunburn, pink to red and painful.First degree burn
A burn affecting the epidermis and the dermis; painful, blistered or weepy, pale to red or pink. Severe sunburn.Second degree burn
A burn affecting deeper tissue characterized by large thick-walled blisters, edema, or weeping; cherry red, exposed dermis. Painful and sensitive to cold airDeep partial-thickness burn
Burn involving the epidermis, dermis, and underlying tissue including fat, muscle, and bone. Appear dry, feel leathery. May be red, white, brown or black and usually lacks sensationFull-thickness burn
The type of cancer that includes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomanonmelanoma skin cancer
______ have an increased incidence of skin cancer compared to African Americans or Native Americans.Caucasians
_____ _____ carcinoma usually begins as painless, nodular lesions with a pearly appearanceBasal cell
_____ _____ carcinomas appear as scaly ulcers or raised lesions with no clear lesion margins. (Often associated with overuse of tobacco and alcohol)Squamous cell
______ ______ arises from pigment-producing cells of the skinmalignant melanoma
______ ______ is the most serious form of skin cancer because it can be fatal if it metastasizesmalignant melanoma
Typical melanomas have _____ borders and uneven colorationirregular
A technique in which microscopic tissue samples are studied to determine the margins of malignancy or to surgically remove malignant melanomas.Mohs surgery