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level: Level 1 of CHAPTER 4-5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of CHAPTER 4-5

The concept of _ is anchored on grouping of places based on common characteristics.Region
Group of people who share a common cultureEthnic group
System of writing invented by the SumeriansCuneiform
the history of ancient egypt2,500 years ago
the greek historian who travelled to egypt in an attempt to discover the source of the nileherodotus
egypt was the ___the gift of the nile
was central to egyptian lifereligion
was the chief god. declared to have given birth by himselfamon-re
important god who was believed to be the ruler of the nile and the spirits of the deadosiris
the state god of egyptamon
god of the dead dating to the old kingdomanubis
goddess of the cataract regionanukis
goddess with an ancient cult centerbastet
personification of the nilehapi
golden onehathor
falcon godhorus
Wife of Osirisisis
creator godkhnum
goddess of truthma'at
moon godkhons
early god of CORTOSmin
a war godmontu
war goddessmut
goddess of saisneith
the god of the deadosiris
the sun god of heliopolisre
lion headed goddesssekhmet
the brother of orisis, isisseth
crocodile godsobek
god of wisdomthoth
cobra goddesswadjet
which was a mixture of sodium bicarbonatenatron
process of embalming / to put into acromatic resinsut
pitch or bitumen which was used in embalmingmummy
soul of the royal deceased on his journeyka
great house / the ruler of egypt but was also worshipped as the god horusPharaoh
gov't of ancient egypt / form of gov't wherein the ruler is believed to be god or of divine virgintheocracy
the ancient egyptians invented their own system of writing called ___hieroglyphics
the first cataract of the nileupper egypt
delta region northlower egypt
is a mythological creaturesphinx
the average weight of the limestone blocks that were used for the pyramids was2.5 tons each
one of the greatest pharaohsrameses II
2920-2575archaic period
1572-2134old kingdom
2050-188middle kingdom
1570-1090new kingdom
dominate the landscape to the north of indiahimalayas and the hindu kush
most imprtant role in shaping of indian civilizationhimalayas
provided the gateway for the entry of diff. groupshindu kush
moved into india / pastoralists who were in constant search for land / "dark-skinned", "fair-skinned"aryans
oldest indian documents / collection of prayers, hy,nsvedas
god of warindra
sky godvaruna
god of fireagui
india's greatest epicmahabharata
one of the most complex religions of the worldhinduism
first beliefbelief in a god
second belieflaw of dharma
third belieflaw of krama
fourth beliefdoctrine of reincarnation
fifth beliefmoksa
developed as a quest to find an answer to bewildering phenomenonbuddhism
ultimate goal of buddhism / the union with the infinitenirvana
was worshipped as god and saviorbuddha
revolt from the tradition and authorityjainism
largest country in east asiachina
a type of soilloess
was the first prehistoric dynasty of chinaxia dynasty
represented the female forcesyin
represented the male forcesyang
rise and fall of dynastiesdynastic cycle
believed that human beings were basically good and born with te or moral beingkong-fu zi
he identified the five relationship that existedconfucius
first emperorshi huangdi
divided into two distinct periods: fortner han or western han and later han or easter hanhan dynasty
the product of their efforthan synthesis