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level: equations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: equations

weight (N)=?mass(kg) x gfs(N/Kg)
if question in grams what do you do to get it to kgdivide by 1000
work done(J) =?force x distance
what is work donethe amount of energy transferred for an object to move a certain distance
elastic protentional= ?0.5 x spring constant x extension^2
force in a spring=?force (n)= spring constant(n/m) x extension(m)
energy stored in spring=?0.5 x spring constant x extension^2
speed=distance (m) / time (s)
difference between speed and velocityspeed is how fast an object is moving, while velocity is how fast in a certain direction.
how to calculate acceleration(m/s^2) when given the timechange in velocity(m/s)/ time(s)
acceleration when not given time(final velocity^2 (m/s) - initial velocity^2) = 2 x acceleration x distance
momentum=mass x velocity
what is momentummomentum is a measure of how difficult it is to stop a moving object
how can 2 boys the same size and speed have different momentums when moving in different directions.different directions = different velocity = different momentum
gpe=mass x gfs x height
force=mass x accceleration