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level: level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level 2

anoxialack of oxygen in the tissue
eucapnianormal level of carbon dioxide in the tissue
aphonialack of voice
normocapnianormal level of co2 in blood
amylasean enzyme that digest sugar
fructosefruit sugar
-celehernia / localized dilation
-clasis , -clasiabreaking
-rhage, -rhagiabursting forth , profuse flow
-rheaflow, discharge
-schisissplitting , fissure
hydrocelelocal dilation containing fluid
osteoclasisbreaking of a bone
urodyniapain on urination
melanomatumor of pigmented cell
hemorrhagebursting forth of blood
pyorrheadischarge of pus
hepatorrhexisrupture of the liver
thoracoschisissplitting of the chest
karyoclasisbreaking of a nucleus
gastrocelehernia of the stomach
adenodyniapain in gland
lipomatumor of fat cells
amniorrhexisrupture of the amniotic sac
retinoschisissplitting of the retina
-ectasiadistension , dilation
-lysisseparation , destruction , dissolving , loosening
-necrosisdeath of tissue
-spasmsudden contraction
-stasisstoppage , suppression
-stenosisnarrowing , constriction
vasodilationwidening of the blood vessel
gastrectasiadilation of the stomach
cephaledemaswelling of the head
myolysisdissolving of muscle
hemolysisdestruction of blood cell
craniomalaciasoftening of the skull
cardionecrosisdeath of heart muscle
splenoptosisprolapse of the spleen
arteriosclerosishardening of an artery
bronchospasmsudden contraction of the bronchial tube
menostasisstoppage of the menstrual flow
arteriostenosisnarrowing of an artery
nephrotoxinsubstance harmful to the kidney
arteriospasmsudden contraction of an artery
arteriomalaciasoftening of an artery
appendectomyexcision of the appendix
adenectomyexcision of gland
cholecystectomyexcision of the gallbladder
colectomyexcision of the large intestine
tonsillectomyexcision of tonsils
otitisinflammation of ears
vasculitisinflammation of blood vessels
craniotomyincision into the skull
cryotherapytreatment using cold temperature
chemotherapytreatment using drugs
radiotherapytreatment using radiation
electrocardiographya procedure that records heart wave activity
electroencephalographya procedure that records brain wave activity
electromyographya procedure that records muscle activity
angiographya procedure that records blood vessels wave activity
mammographya procedure that records breast wave activity
electrocraniographya procedure that records skull wave activity
blepharoplastysurgical repair of the eyelid
atherosclerosisa collection of fatty plaque in arteries
ischemiaa condition in which blood is held back from an organ
thoracocentesissurgical puncture to remove the fluid from the chest
neoplasticpertaining to new development or growth of abnormal tissue
blepharoptosisdrooping of the eyelid
necrosisdeath of cells
jejunoileostomyconnection of jejunum and the ileum. (2nd and 3rd part of small intestine )
phonoscopeA device for recording heart sounds.
ultrasonographyusing ultrasound for organ imaging
fibroadenomaa fibrous tumor of gland
histologistthe study of tissues
megakaryocytea cell with a large nucleus
adiposuriaurine contains fat
macrosomiarefers to a large body
necrosisdeath of tissue
sepsiscaused by microorganisms
osteoclasisa broken bone
retinoschisisa split of the retina of the eye
seborrheaexcessive discharge from the sebaceous glands
splenomegalyenlargement of the spleen
hepatomalaciasoftening of the liver
tracheostenosisnarrowing of the trachea
synonym for dilationectasia
pleurodesisbinding of pleural membranes