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level: Ecology

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Ecology

Abiotic FactorA non-living thing in an ecosystem
EcosystemA place made up of living and non-living things that interact with each other
Biotic FactorA living thing in an ecosystem
HabitatThe place where a particular organism lives
ProducerAn organism that produces it's own food (these are found at the bottom of an energy / trophic level pyramid)
ConsumerAn animal that eats other animals
DecomposersAnimals that eat other organisms
CarnivoresAnimals that eat only meat
HerbivoreAnimals that eat only plants
OmnivoresAnimals that eat plants and animals
Photosynthesisthe process of which plants make their own food with carbon dioxide, sunlight and water
What do all living things need?Water and food
AbundanceHow many organisms live in an area
PredatorAn animal that hunts another animal
PreyThe animal the predator hunts
ChromatographyA method of separation
What is a habitat used forA living thing's habitat provides the organism with what it needs to survive
What goes at the bottom of an energy / trophic level pyramid?Producer
Food webShows how different food chains connect together
Food chainDescribes the flow of energy in ecosystems