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level: Classification of Programming Languages (NEED)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Classification of Programming Languages (NEED)

Discuss the advatanges of using a high level language compared to a low levelProgram code is easier to understand/maintain/debug; Faster development time // programmers can be more productive // one line of HLL code can do the same job as many lines of assembly language; Programs are (more) portable (to other hardware platforms) Language is problem-oriented; More support/ better refined as more programmers use it; Support for different paradigms; A. Examples eg functional programming Built-in support for data structures; A. Example(s) eg arrays, records Availability of flow control structures; A. Example(s) eg loops, selection Improved features for supporting modularity; A. Ability to use subroutines
Discuss the disadvatages of using a high level language compared to a low level (Assembly language)Assembly language code may execute more quickly is because translation is not required Assembly language code may use less memory; Assembly language gives direct/better access to computer hardware // enables direct manipulation of memory (contents);
Which type of programming language is this? 01010101 11010110 01001011 10110110Machine Code
Which are processor specific: low-level languages or high-level languages?Low-level languages
Which type of language uses mnemonics in instructions?Assembly language
Which type of languages must be translated into machine code with a compiler or interpreter before execution?High-level languages
What are the two types of low level langauge?Machine code Assembly language
Describe machine code langauageProgramming with the use of numerical characters
Describe assembly langauageProgramming with the use of mnemonic characters
Explain the term ‘imperative high-level language’A programming language that requires programming discipline. Programmers must develop a proper order of actions in order to solve the problem. A 'procedural language' BETTER: (1) Instructions are executed in a programmer-defined order (1) High level language instructions use English-like keywords