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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

is the rigid, solid layer that covers the Earth and is made up of crust and upper mantle.LITHOSPHERE
Lithosphere floats in this semi-plastic layer called the ________asthenosphere
Lithosphere came from the 2 words '____' and '_____'lithos(stone) and sphaira(globe/ball)
the smaller sections of Earth’s lithospherePlates
the edges that separate the tectonic plates with one another.Plate boundaries
It is the most active plate boundary.Pacific Plate's Ring of Fire
Is associated with an oceanic crust that lies in the ocean floor.Oceanic Lithosphere
Is associated with the exposed landmasses.Continental Lithosphere
Oceanic lithosphere is _____ years old260 million
Continental lithosphere is ______ years old4 billion
Thickness of Oceanic and Continental L.Oceanic- 7-10km, Continental- 25-70km
Density of Oceanic and Continental L.Oceanic- 3.0g/cm^3, Continental 2.7g/cm^3
Oceanic L. is primarily composed of _____basaltic rocks
Continental L. is primarily composed of ____granitic rocks
What are the 7 Primary Tectonic Plates?Eurasian, Australian, North American, South American, Antarctic, African, Pacific
What Are the 8 Secondary Tectonic Plates?Philippine, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Scotia, Nazca, Indian, Caribbean, Arabian
Used by scientists as basis for dividing lithosphere into several platesVOLCANISM, SEISMIC ACTIVITY & MOUNTAIN FORMATION
Geologic events and features such as earthquakes, active volcanoes, and major mountain ranges are distributed ______near or along plate boundaries.
The sudden shaking of the ground that may result in destruction of infrastructure and lives.earthquake
The supercontinent that is believed to have existed 250 million years ago.Pangaea
A theory stating that the continents are were once joined together as one.Continental Drift
Waves that provided geologists information about the internal structure of the Earth.Seismic Waves
A landform where molten materials from inner Earth are releaseVolcano
Is the point on the surface of the earth that lies directly above the origin of the earthquake.Epicenter
Is the point within the Earth where seismic waves originated.Focus
The energy released travels all throughout the Earth in the form of ______; it is generated by the movement of tectonic plates.seismic waves
2 types of Seismic WavesBody waves and Surface waves
2 types of Body wavesP wave and S wave
2 types of Surface waveRayleigh wave and Love wave
Is used to record the motion of the ground.Seismograph
It travels faster than S wave because it can pass through the liquid part of the EarthP- wave
Scientists use the ______________________________ to get the distance of the epicenter from the seismic station.difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave
Three distances from three different seismic stations are needed to determine the exact location of the epicenter using a method known as ____________.triangulation method.
Seismologists determine the distance to the earthquake epicenter by multiplying the difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave in seconds by ____8km/s
Is any physical feature of the earth’s surface that is formed by a geologic process.Geologic Features
Distribution of earthquake epicentersscattered everywhere
Distribution of active volcanoes.along the edges of the plates.
Distribution of MOUNTAIN BELTS (MOUNTAIN RANGE)along the edges of the plates
Is a technique which is used to date materials such as rocks or carbon, in which trace radioactive impurities were selectively incorporated when they were formed.Radioactive Dating Technique
A theory which suggests that Earth’s crust is made of plates that interact in various ways, thus producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, and other geologic features.Plate Tectonics Theory
Interactions of __________ cause earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain belts.plate tectonics
Is a group of mountain ranges with similarity in form, structure, and alignment that have arisen from the same cause, usually an orogeny.A MOUNTAIN SYSTEM OR MOUNTAIN BELT
Refers to mountains formed in the same age and with the same process arranged in narrow and long beltsMountain Range
Any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from hazard events. It is an on-going process that occurs before, during, and after disasters and serves to break the cycle of damage and repair in hazardous areasHAZARD MITIGATION
True or False Most earthquakes take place at tectonic plate boundaries because earthquakes take place where the motion of tectonic plates transfers energy to rock.True
Folded mountain belts sometimes form at _________ boundaries because the rock is compressed and forced upward.convergent plate
An earthquake beneath the ocean.Tsunami
What makes up the lithosphere?Crust and upper mantle
How many seismic stations are needed to locate an earthquake?3
Where is the location of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts?Along the edges of the plates
How earthquake epicenters, active volcanoes, and major mountain belts are distributed?The distribution of earthquake epicenters is different from active volcanoes, and major mountain belts
What is needed to determine the epicenter of an earthquake?The distance of the epicenter from three different seismic stations
What is needed to determine the distance of the epicenter from a seismic station?I believe ito ang sagot (The difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave) pero ang sabi ni maam ay ito (The difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave from three different seismic stations) and I, Thank you.