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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What does MMFABS stand for?M uscular endurance M uscular strength F lexibility A reobic endurance B ody composition S peed
What does FITT stand for?F requency I ntenstity T ype T ime
What does CRABP stand for?C o-ordiantion R eaction Time A gility B alance P ower
The performer works on one joint, pushing it beyond its point of resistance.Active Stretching
Active StretchingThe performer works on one joint, pushing it beyond its point of resistance.
Passive StretchingWhen the performer uses someone else or a piece of equipment to help stretch.
When the performer uses someone else or a piece of equipment to help stretch.Passive Stretching
Ballistic StretchingInvolves performing a stretch with swinging or bouncing
Involves performing a stretch with swinging or bouncingBallistic Stretching
PNF StretchingPerformer stretches to their maximum range, then a partner pushes that limit for 6-10 seconds.
Performer stretches to their maximum range, then a partner pushes that limit for 6-10 seconds.PNF Stretching
Calculation for HR Max220 - age (in years)
RPE Scale6 - 20 effort scale (6 is rest, 20 is max effort)